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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Spinal Tap Feb. !st

Well I woke up this morning with a slight sore throat and a small head ache . I smiled and thought to my self can you have a social hang over ? That is what I felt like my head was still kinda swarming with conversation from the night before . I thought of a few different high points and found my self laughing out loud a little . Then thanked the heavens that no one made me give a speech oye ! I would of done the ugly cry and that is never something you want to do in public . Thank you all for not making me give a speech .

Sister came in my room and told me the plan for the day ..... a spinal tap ... blah ! So I procrastinate getting out of bed till about 30 till we have to leave . I start getting dressed and then I stop and think to my self I can't wear this it has metal in it . So I find my jammie bottoms take off my bra - every time I wear one to the hospital I have to take it off so whats the point right ? - put on a tank yop and a t-shirt and call it good . No sense in dressing up for the day spent in the inner walls of the hospital .

Sister and I wait for almost an hour to get in for my appointment . They had a few others who were in worst shape then me who get in 1st . Which is fine by me , I'm sure I trumped a few people when I went for test when I first got there . So we sat there and watched Cops and it was a good episode . Favorite part is when the cop steped in dog poop while in a house . I'm easily entertianed what can I say .

I get called back into the room and it is the biggest machine I had seen so far . The nurse asks me a few questions then tells us about what is going to happen . I tense up . Sister comes and puts her hand on my shoulder . The nurse tells me if it feels uncomfortable don't jump try and remain calm and just tell us it hurts . In my head I was thinking - ARE YOU F"ING KIDDING ME !!!!! - Well the nurse hands me a robe and tells me to change and informs me to leave my undies on but take every thing else off . I go to change and start laughing . It was the second time I was not wearing underware . Hahaha so I ask her if I can wear my jammie bottom and all she could do was laugh at me and say sure .

I lay on my tummie and she puts a pillow under my tummie for a flater back area where the injection site will be ( with drawl site either or ) . The nurse starts to prep for her part and she had this awesome lead suit that was something out of the wizard of oz . It was a emerald green foa snake skin lead suit that was a skirt and vest . I was hopping she would bust out in the a song from the movie .... one can wish .

The needle lady comes in and the machine comes to life and the table I am laying on starts to go up and down and the x-ray " eye " is spining around and she is giving the nurse directions that do not make sense to me . Then I hear a small victory in the needle lady's voice " theres our spot ! " She lanicains the area and tells me I will feel a slight pinch . I think to my self relax . I am finding this to almost be my mantra . The pinch was not that bad . So I mentally tell myself that She is a pro this won't hurt , let your fears go , and that nothing so far has hurt as bad as I thought it would . So I let go of the fear .

Needle lady says that she is in the area and is about to take out my spinal fluid . She starts to with drawl and my body starts to feel weird not the good weird either . I say to her that I feel funny she tells me to discribe the weirdness . It kinda feels like when you drink a glass of cold water and you can feel it go all the way down to your tummy , but through my whole body and like 60 percent more intense . While I am talking I guessed I passed out . I woke up to them yelling my name . I kinda flinch up and the Needle lady tells me not to move because I still have the needle in my spine . I am shaking and have the cold sweats . The nurse is talking to me calming me down . I ask her if this is a normall thing . She daps my forhead with a damp cloth and say soory but no , I think this happened because you had low fluids . ( WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN !!! ) She then asked me how much water did you drink before you got here ? I tell her a glass of water . She tells me I should of drank a lot water . OH well no one told me that I would of if I would of known .

Another nurse comes in a declares me good they finish the spinal tap and take me away to be obbserved for about an hour . I thought I had been everywhere in the hospital . Boy was I wrong . They took me to a place that reminded me of what hospitals must of been like before t.v.'s and private rooms . All the little area had was a curtain and a few devices . It was super quite too , which is weird in a hospital .

I have some apple juice , water , and then some grape juice . The nurse takes my vitals and says I am good to go . Yippy !!! I get put in a wheelchair and get rolled back to where I started . Sister looks at me and asked if I'mm ready to go home . She has no idea how ready I am to go .

We get home I lay down as flat as I can and my body tells me it is ready to nap . I give in . Sleep feels good .


  1. Wow, what a day! I't's always something at the hospital! I call "needle" lady "the vampire" Vampire's have blown my veins, burised my arms,left tape on me I was alergic to and stuck the needle through wet alcohol in to my arm, boy, does that burn! It's always an adventure though.Glad your through that proceedure. Just have to take them one at a time, or gets really overwhelming. Your doing great, keep the fight.
    :) Kassie

  2. Wow! That sounds like a trip to hell and back. But you got it done and it's over. I know I will never say "Stick a fork in me, I'm done!" again. I admire your courage and positive attitude. Both you and your sister are #1. I know she didn't get poked, but she is great at guiding you through this maze. Remember you are loved, by me and maybe 500 extra people. 501 people say "What's not to love?" Damn straight Skippy! Praying and loving, your ant pam

  3. Amen. She's fun to be with even during this. I love E-bat's at-it-tud. Stay cool. Mom
