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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl ! Feb 7th

Karyn and I woke up and got ready to go do a dirty passion ..... Estate sale . It was the last day so granted it is slimmer picking but you get a better price and can normally haggle with them . I am kinda kicking my self in the butt right now for going against myself on a few items . I gave myself a five dollar limit ( yes five bucks is a good price limit for me , it is the standard beginning limit ) . There was this really pretty deviled egg dish , it was orange glass that had a kinda oil finish to it but it was 6 dollars which would put me out of my range . I might have to start looking at 2nd hand stores for one . I thought that instead of eggs it might make a good earring holder and bracelet holder . I found Karyn up stairs in the house and was in awe of how many doilies the lady had own . The man that had lived there had tons of pocket watches and all the stuff to go with the watches . They had some really cool stuff . Sometimes estate sales kinda feel like a museum . It's like a day in the life of someone . I am blow away at how much you feel like you can get to know a person just by seeing their stuff . Makes me wonder what people will think of me when they look through all my stuff . I think I might have to aquire a couple bizzar pieces just to make them wonder ..... hahaha I still get the last laugh ! haha .... Karyn found a few cool things for her house and I got myself a nice little serving tray ( $1 ) ( just had to brag that I was 4 $ under buget )

Karyn and I load the car with our finds and head off to the store to get our fixens for bean dip . Karyb got the idea to make a 7 layer dip in either the shape of a football or the feild . She went with the feild . She even piped on the lines of the feild useing a frosting bag and wrote the team names in the end field . It looked pretty cool . I found that the way it was eaten might of been a early preminisssion to the way the game ended . The Colts end feild was eaten and only the Saints remained . I wonder if we could test this theroy somehow ? I wonder if it would work as well as the chicken that picks winning teams ?


  1. Love those estate sales. They are really great in Tacoma, with all the old people and houses. Up here not too much stuff because the people got rid of it to move here.
    Well the Saints did come marching through! I was on a couple of skimpy boards, but my numbers didn't come up. Now will have to save a few bucks for the Nenana Ice Classic. I always pick May 8th at 3:30...when I got married. Even tho I am divorced it would kill me if the ice went out at that time. Love you both. Hey did you have Guacamole Dip? Maybe too soon huh. ant pam

  2. OMG, do you really think people can get a sense of who we are by our stuff?! What WILL they think of me? At least by the time you girls have it sorted out I'll be long gone. I won't have to hear, "Why do you have a PaynPak receipt from 1975." or "You have 26 pairs of scissors!" When you are living your life you just do it. When others are looking thorough it, they do so selectively... a table with watches; or a box of costume earrings... they don't see the emotions of a pair of earrings purchased by your 7 year old, that you wear with pride because you know it means a lot to your child. So why do we save what we save and toss other things? I know old receipts are forgotten bits in nooks and crannies; but scissors— I want to find a pair whenever I look for a pair and the more I have the better my odds. Next on that list will be car keys.

  3. LOL,you all are funny. As it ends up I bought a pair of scissors at the estate sale....they were 50 cents!! Booyaaa. I got them for that every reason...a good pair of scissors, 50 cents, no brainer.
