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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Feb 23 rd Port surgery

Wow talk about early ! I set my alarm for 5 am . Sister was picking me a up at 5:45 to take me to S.C.C.A. to have a port put in . The reason for the port is to save my veins and me some stress . It also makes it easier on the medical staff . Instead of try to find a vein they just feel the bump on my chest ( no not my boobs ! ) and they have a good vein for shots , blood draws , and I.V.'s . Ialso gibes me a sense of ease . I am not a big needle fan , even though I have been blessed with great nurses and I.V. therapy crews . Well I don't wake up to my alarm , I guess the pre-surgery chill pill was a little bit of a sedative . Whoops ! So I wake up when Karyn calls to tell me she is leaving her house . Eeeak ! I jump in the shower to wash the erea that is going to be operated on , the soup that I have to use smell awful ! But want to make sure I do my part to get things right . Luckily I had laid out my cloths the night before . ( I still have some brain power ! yeah ! ) I am ready and out the door in 10 minutes . I think that might be a personal best . Yes ! Sister and I get on the freeway and traffic was pretty smooth , Thank you car pool lane !
I get checked in and they have me changed in to scrubs and robes . I have a seat on one of the beds . The 2nd " chill pill " I had taken was starting to kick in . The guy who was explaining the proceedure to me was super nice and let sister sit there till I went in . I was the 1st customer of the day . The staff was all running around with coffee cups and chatting about their weekends . I like hearing that kinda stuff if they can talk about their personal life with each other it generally mean that they work well together .
I get wheeled in to the smalllest operating room I have everseen ! I have had hospital rooms larger than what they had to work with ! There was 5 of us in this little room . S.C.C.A is a learning hospital . So 2 of the people where students watching . One watching how a port is placed and another on how to do the Awake Sedation . I slept through almost all of it . I kinda scared the guys when I added my 2 cents to one of their conversations . They said I was baby snoring all the was through just about . so when I talked they wern;t sure if I was still sleeping or not . They finished me up and I got wheeled in to the recovery room for about 45min. I was given a long choice of snacks to have . I settled on gramcrackers and some applejuice . Sister and I sat there and chatted with the nurse for awhile then before I knew it I was discharged .
It was about 10am at this point my surgery took a little longer than expected . So sister had to drive kinda fast so I could make it to my radition treatment . I had been worried that the gauze from the port would get in the way of the plastic mask . It was no problem . Now that they are doing the spine it takes a little bit longer than before . I fall back asleep I think I still have some seditives in my system .
With a long morming of hospital stuff out of the way I welcome home . I grab what I call my chemo shall but others call a blanket and lay dowm on my couch . Paul came over to take care of me for the day . With the port in I needed 12 hours of supervision . It was nice to just relaxe with Paul . We went and grabed a bite at Wendy's Veitamese . Yummers ! Then came home and ended up taking a 2 hour nap !! I felt like a little kid almost I was all curled up next to him . Paul is a walking heater , I think he's natural temp is like 123 . He keeps me toasty . Dreams come quick and before I knew it I was off to sleep again . I am starting to enjoy sleeping again . For a bit there it was starting to feel like a chore . Now I welcome it . It helps heal all parts . I can actually feel the difference now when I take a nap and days that I don't . The way my body responds to it all is interesting . The human body is a pretty cool thing . If you get tha chance speaking of bodies and you don'y get grossed out to easily check out the Bodies exibit in seattle , It is truely amazing !

1 comment:

  1. I guess one of my big fears is of the unknown. It sounds to me like you know What's Happenin'! You took the 2 passenger lane and sped thru that mess. It will get easier and harder now. Dun Dun Dun Here is your mission if you choose to take it....getting zapped, poked, and hugged. I know you will accept the challenge and beat it. Like MJ said "Beat it, Beat it!" love ant pam
