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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wed , Thurs , and Fri 24th thru the 26th

Well this last week has been a full one for me . I did a little bit more than normal , but hey I thought I was feeling good . On Wed. 24th I took my friend Mike out on a bro date since his fiancee was out of town . What did the bro date entail ? Hot dogs at Nathane's , A Burlesque show featuring my friend the Talented Ms. Jessica who dance to " Put the lime in the coconut " . The M.C. was witty and the crowd was encouraging . I don't think I have the balls ( or tit's ) to do what they did . It looked like fun but I am not that brazen . Learned a trick or two though ;-0 . Love new experiences ! Then after all the fun in Seattle we stopped by the Ale House to see a few friends and try our luck at Trivia . Bryan has been waiting for the day for me to start drinking again for a year and a half . Now me knowing this I have been cafeful to use that against him only a few times . Once on the 4th of July ( which was a good one he dropped his 18 pack and pumped both arms in the air and was sooo happy , kinda felt bad to burst his bubble ... ) then there was Wed. night . He and his friend both got a Washington Apple shot . So I ask the bartender to pour me a watered down cranberry juice . Well Bryan makes his rounds grading the trivia papers and when he was done he came to take his shot . Him and his friend go to cheers and I tell them wait for me ! Bryans eyes light up and say's to Tumors and other terrible things . We take our " shots" and then Bryan looks at me and asks your not messing with me again are you ? I try and play it off but in the end I cave . I just can't help to try and mess with him . He gets all annimated and happy . He is a good trooper . I guess I have another 8 months till I can mess with him again .
Well mom told you about Thursday , day . On Thursday night I went out to dinner with Carolyn . She had just finished a competion and did better than she has expected . So we went out to celebrate . There is this great little place around the corner from my place called The Upper Crust . We walked down there frome my house it was a nice night the ugly weather from earier in the day had gone away and made for a cool crisp night . We ordered a salad and some caprese bread to share . Then it was down to the serious stuff . Cribbage . She won both games .... I swear she was cheating if I hadn't dealt the card my self . She had sooo many 12 point hands and other amazing hands I was so jelouse and some what mad . She is a good card player . We walked back to my house and went our seperate ways her to go and celebrate some more and me to bake some peanut butter cookies .
3:30 AM I wake up not feeling so good . Like I haven't felt this bad in a few years . I thought I had a upset stomache at first due to the fact that on Wed. and Thur. I ate things I haven't ate in awhile . Well I am just glad that I had a good plastic bag in the trash . I threw up and just couldn't stop . I would think it was over and go back to bed ony to wake up an hour or so later with the same compulsion . At about 7ish I was done heaving at this point it was all dry . I was try to find another bag for the trash . I was squating in front of the sink when all I got this weird feeling , my first thought was quick lay down . I wasn't fast enough . I fellover and woke up few minutes later ( ?) laying on the bathroom floor right next to the toilet and the trash . I look around and kinda freak out a little . I have a mini panick attack thinking that maybe I had a seizure . ( It is a possible side effect from the tumor removal but a slight one . I was in panic mode and all alone and no sleep in my defence it has been about 12 years since the last time I passed out . ) I finally get myself up off the floor and call Sister . She is over in no time . Her 1st question is did you drink enough fluids ? I try not to roll my eyes cause I am still afraid of falling or passing out again . As I am walking up the stairs from letting her in I point to the full trash bags and tell her she can look to see if I drank enough fluid . I can feel the dager eyes . I ask her to come help me and here I am being mean . I go lay down and Karyn takes inventory . She starts me off sipping on some water to help rehydrate me . Then she starts calling all my doctors . They finally decied to have me come in to get blood work done before they proceed with Radiation that day . Karyn , dad , and I all pack into dads car and take off to the hospital . I am feeling a little better at this point . I have had some yogurt a little apple juice and was able to take a small nap . I get into the blood work room the lady want to use my port . I say no it is still healing , the port area is a little bit tender has bruising and the cut area is sensitive . The nurse was another needle ninja . She draws 3 viels of bllod in seconds flat . Tells me to wait for Barb to come out and tell how we are going to proceed . Dad and I take a nap . We are good at that . Power napping . Karyn takes a " blackmail " photo . How little does she know the ability to fall asleep just about anywhere is a talent to be proud of . I wake up from my little nap and get up to go to the bathroom . I make it about half way across the waiting room and I feel it coming on again . That weird feeling . Karyn sees me being funny . My legs start shaking like Elivis Presley's and again all I can think is I am having a seizure . Then I remember that I have to go to the bathroom . I really don't want to make a mess of myself . Thank Buddha ! I don't . By the time I actually feel my self stop shaking I have a nurse and a few other looking at me . They are going to take me down to the ER and make sure all is right with me . After a few long moments and me feeling kinda stupid ( I know I can't controll the whole passing out thing but YOU do it and tell me how you feel about it ) we get a room . They give me an I.V. drip to rehydrate me and tell me to drink Gaterade . I look at sister and said that was big fun . We all take our spots in dads car and go back to my house . Karyn had callled mom and sent her on a shopping trip of things I am allowed to eat . =) It's good because I am starting to get hungery I.V. drip is only so filling . Mom made one of my favorites Green Jello and cottage cheese Yummers ! If I was allowed I am sure it would of had pinapple too . Mom made me some chicken noodle soup so I had half a cup and a banana . I look at mom and tell her I am going to lay down . I took almost a 3 hour nap . When I woke up Mom was passed out on my couch . She looked all cute squished up on my love seat size couch . Sister came back over and stayed the night just to make sure I was ok . Love her !

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