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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Greek dinner with Kat Feb 13th

I woke up and was not sure where I was . Which means I slept real good . I feel like since I had my surgery that my sleep is slowly changing . Every night it feels like I get a deeper sleep than the night before . What that means is I feel better and better each day . Now that I am getting that feeling I have to admit that I am somewhat nervous to start radiation . The side effects of radiation are different for everyone due to the fact that every one has a different part getting treated and the way your body reacts to it . I guess from what they say if you get sea sick that your more likely to become sick after a treatment , but the sickness normally passes after a few treatments . ( so they say ) Fatigue is another side effect and loss of appetite . I really don't want to have a that feeling of regressing . I have got my mid day nap down to a half hour and at night I am sleeping about 9 hours now instead of 11 . I guess I am suffering from nerves . I think they gave me to much time in between surgery and treatment . I had to much time to think about how thing are going to effect me and actually processes what is going on . I understand why it took all this time , and I am glad that they wanted to make sure they got everything and that they are doing the best treatment for me , I just wish that it did not take so long to figure it out . Even now a month after my surgery they have pathogen reports coming in on my unknown tumor . The more they learn about the tumor the better they can treat it . So I want then to learn a lot !

I dragged mom and Paul down to the Tacoma Dome for the lunar new year celebration . It was fun . Paul got to show off that he could say a few things in a couple different languages . We walked around and looked at the different booths and tried some cultural food . Mom had a blast ! She ran into a few friends and made a few new ones . She talked up all the booths finding out stuff or informing them of things . I enjoyed watching the dancers and music from the different bands . It was a nice afternoon out .

Kat came over at about fourish . As she walked in there was a wave of garlic . She had made a Greek salad . Yummers ! She also had Spanakopita with her . I had some chicken that we stuffed with oragano and drenched with lemon juice . It was a good meal . We sat around and shot the breeze for a few hours . We did some catchup and some memory lane chatter . She showed me this web site that is a trivia game and every time you get a answer right the website donates food to a 3 world country . I wish I could remember the name of the site .... We ended the vistit with a drive around Tacoma . It was a great night for a drive . We drove the waterfront and sky was clear , you could see the lights reflecting off the sound and see the stars . It was great .

I made it home just in time to watch the U.S. women get the Gold and Bronze in the down hill free style and Apolo and Celski get the silver and bronze . I went to bed with thoughts of greatness . Thinking I was greaceful and I too could ski or skate like them .


  1. A wonderful Saturday!! Glad you are sleeping better and better. You may not be a skier or skater, but you are greaceful and a winner!!!

  2. Hey Ebeth don't be cuttin' down on your sleep too much..that's when your body heals itself. When I was going thru treatment that is the only time I ever dreamed I could fly. It felt so real. All I had to do was lift up my arms and up I went. I got so good I just thought about it and went up. As much as Ive tried I never have had those dreams since. It did not scare me a bit and I am fearful of heights. You will be done before you know it. Try not to think about it, just do what they want and forget the rest. We Norski's can be bull dogs when we want to! Haha and sometimes when we dont want to...You have achieved grace. It is thru the way you love people. Keep thinking good thoughts and sleep as long as you can.
