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Monday, February 22, 2010

feb. 22nd Chemo

Well today started like most . Did my am routine then jumped into sisters car and was whisked off to radiation . I walked into the back and small talked with the nice older couple that have an appointment either before me or after depending on who gets there first . I sit down and read a zine for a bit then my name gets called . I get in the radiation room and they inform me that today is the day that they add the spine into the treatment . Not only do they add the spine but they also zap my brain a few beats more than before . Mmmm I love the taste of bromide in the morning !!
After my treatment sister and I hop in to her car and head to Seattle for my first chemo treatment . First I get blood work done . The nurse is a needle pro , Lizzy likes a painless needle ! Then it was up to Dr. Chaberlains office for a touch base about the chemo and my port surgery . He told me that the side effects that he told me about didn't happen all that often but they do so they need to warn us about the side effects . All I could think was you didn't make it seem so hum hum the first meeting . I thought I was going to come out of this whole thing like the female pinguin . Eeek ! Well he gives a some meds for my surgery tomorrow so that I will be more mellow and easier to seddate . I am not fond of things that make me bleed .
We finished up with the doc then head over to the injection area . ( i have no idea what they actually call it - pppsst I like to make up my own names for the stuff in the hospital ) I was assighned room 26 . The room smelled like cleaner and everything looked brand new , came to found out it was . The nurse comes in and greets us and takes us for a tour . She showed me where the snacks and juice box's where and where to send someone if I wanted a warm blanket . I love those warm blankets , They have machines that look like they belong in th ekitchen that keep the blankets all nice and toasty . I get settled in to the bed . I wished T.G. had beds like that one . It had memory foam ! Sooo comfy . They come and find a good vain and get my I.V. in . I get a saline drip going and wait for the chemo shot . It takes awhile for the shot to arrive . They can't mix the shot till they getthe order from the dr. so if the pharmacy is busy it can take awhile . Karyn and I watched cash cab and tested our combined brain power man we be smart ! The chemo shot arrives and it takes a second for the shot and another second for the saline solution and done ! Till they tell me they need more blood work for my surgery tomorrow =( almost made it out ! We go down to the blood drawing area and I am the only person there . I get in right away and this time the nurse is a needle ninja i didn't even feel it ! She gets the two vials of bllod in less than a minute and then I was really done . Yippy ! Karyn dropped me off at home . Now for some reading and maybe meditate myself to sleep . Life starts early for me tomorrow . 5am baby woohoo ! Liven the dream baby !

1 comment:

  1. Feelin' a bit like a human pin cushion? Hang in there. People love and care how you are doing. That includes the ones working on you. You and the Nurse have a good hump day and remember you both are loved. ant pam
