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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feb. 20th Sunny day !

What a great day ! I love this weather ! Woke up all sorts of early and felt ok . I got ready for the day and walked up to Proctor and met a few friends for a cup of joe . Then strolled back home . I have been enjoying watching a few different plants along my walks grow . Then their are a few that I have no idea what they are , So I have been taking snap shots of them then comparing them in a gardening book I have . I know I am a dork but it gives me healthy things to do . Gets me out in the fresh air and keeps the grey matter from going black .
Mom came andf picked me up to do a few arruns . We had both the dogs in the car with us . They are pretty darn cute . They just love car rides ! Rusty sticks his out the window and looks like he is a wolfman . Then Hanna just wants to curl up on your lap . We ended up at an estate sale . ( I told you I love them ) I found the ugliest it is so ugly it is cute swim tank top . It is yellow like super yellow with 3 tulips on it and it is made out of rayon . I swear it is UGLY but soooo cute because of it . I can't wait to wear it . ( as soon as I am allowed in the sun ) After our treasure hunt we went the the Met to grab a random lunch . We sat at on eof the little buddy bars and chatted it up for a bit . Mom droped me off at home and I felt ready for my nap . It must be 2:30 .
The rest of my day was spent fake reading my books on tumors and treatment . I just couldn't get into them . I call sister to bug her before her and her friend go to Heart ball . She asks if I want to hang out with them before they go . I said sure . I mean who would take their prom like photo in front of the fire place if I didn't . ( They grow up so fast you really have to capture these moments ) The girls droped me off and I went up to my place looked around and weighed my options and deciced to call it a night . So I curled with Breakfast with Buddah read a few chapters and drift off into a better place in my mind . Sleep is good . =)


  1. Thank you for sharing your day. Sounds like you had a good weekend. The plants are coming up huh. Here it is ugly gray snow/slush. The days are getting longer and I like that. When I come to see you there will probably be tulips and daffidils(I know I spelled that wrong) blooming. It is beautiful there in March when your Dad has a birthday. I had you in my thoughts yesterday and said a prayer that you will be doing good this week. love you a lot ant pam

  2. Lizzy you crack me up!!! I love the journaling that you are doing!!! Just saw a shoe here in LA and thought about you so I had to get on here and see how you were doing.... On Vacation and I can't get away from the computer.. silly. Miss ya lady, we need to go for a walk when i get back.... and oooooh good find at the estate sale!!! I cant wait for the summer garage sales :o) love yenny
