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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Another dry run feb 17th

I was going to start radiation today . Everything was ready . Test run had been done , lines had been drawn , lasers had been pointed , molds had been made and this was it . So we all thought .... After spending about 45 min. in what I call lizzy in the plastic mask , they inform me that they need to tweak a few things . They want to get it right . ( So do I ..... eeeeeak !! ) So they call it another dry run and tell me they will see me tomorrow . I change then look at my self and I have the lizard print not just on my forehead like it has been in the past but my whole intire face !! This whole thing is really making me live up to my nickname Lizzard . I leave the back waiting room and see Sister hunched over the puzzel table with that look that only tweakers and puzzelers get . After we leave Karyn looks at me and asks me if I want to go any where . I give her a look like would you want to go anywhere with this imprint on your face ? She laughs at me and says with you I never know . So she drives me home , as we drive I see this little store I have always wanted to go in but it is always closed when I am off . So I make sister stop . The shop had hella cute clothes , shoes and localy made jewlery . Karyn found a shirt that said " Gritty Tacoman " I loved it . So I had to have it . =) I love all the great local shops Tacoma has to offer . They all have great little hidden treasures . Fantastic !
Karyn drops me off at home and I have a late lunch which leads to nap time . I get a call from Ming asking me if I will be around later she had something to drop off for me . I like little surprises ! She said she was going to play vollyball with our long time friend Laurel and wanted to know if I wanted to go watch and get out of teh house for awhile . I told Ming I wasn't sure , I wasn't feeling so good , still trying to wrap my head around a few things . I did some tidying up around the house , did some meditating , and had some tea , then called Ming and said I am game .
We drove up to Kent to the community center . They had the smaller gym today which was nice . I find my spot on the bleechers and stake a claim . Laurel's team had a few new players that I didn't know . The 1st game was a really good game to watch . Both teams seemed evenly matched . The 2nd game the other team did a little better , the 3rd game the other team did a little better also , the last game the other team did well but the girls I was rooting for seemed to find their rythem . They all did better than I would have . Laurel , Ming and I went to grab a bite to eat after the game . We ended up at Chipolett . We sat around and caught up on each others lives and told a few stories that maybe others were not suppose to hear . All is fair in good friends talking . Those two girls make me laugh so hard . I have gotten in to a lot of fun with them two and some trouble . Man I have good friends . =)

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