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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

OH Monday ! Fen 8th

I rarely have Mondays like Garfeild but yesterday kind of felt like one to me . It was a bit rainy a little on the ho hum side for me . I tried to make the day have a silver lining but at last it never really did . I did a few things that made me feel better . Karyn came with me over to my apartment and helped me do some cleaning . She handled all the chemicals . I dusyed and vacuumed . It is starting to feel pretty good over there . I cleared out some clothes that I either don't care for or they don't fit ( 5 bags worth of stuff ) and 1 box of kitchen stuff . I have to say it feels good to purge . Get ride of the clutter . I figure by the time I go back to work I will have a pretty clean house and about half the stuff I have now . I have tons of crap from over the years . I need to go through it all and ask myself do I really need this ? I read some where that decluttering and getting rid of stuff can make your home a calmer area , and help you feel more relaxed when you are surounded by less . Makes sense to me .

After Karyn and I were done we took the bags to the Goodwill so that others may enjoy which I no longer do . Hope they are excited about some of the stuff as I was when I found it . On the way home I asked Karyn if we could stop by the pound . She said sure . ( If you ever ride with Karyn you have to be on your game , she will start talking and forget where she is going then try and blame you for distracting her , so you gotta remind her where to go . Just a little hint for everyone ) We missed the entrance which she informed me was my fault . I choose whem we first walk in to look at the bunnies . Karyn and I both pile in the room and start looking and ahhh-ing and saying to look at his one and that one . Then this red headed boy comes in who is about 7 or 8 and he starts reading everything to us and is acting like we know him . I don't think I can explain this right with out coming across as a complete but head . I look at sister and we both file out of the room . We kinda give each other the what the hell was that look .

We start looking at the dogs and I can't help but to want to take a few home with me . There was a black Pomeranian that was pretty cute but a little to old for me . Then there was this 3 year old beagle named Sweet Pea who was just too cute ! I think I might make sister take me back to see if I can have a vistit with her . She how she plays and what kinda energy level she has . I might even see how good she is with other dogs . If I get her I would have to have grandma and grandpa watch her when I go back to work . So that means she would be with Rusty and Hannah , who are also rescued dogs . We shall see . I think I should wait til I start my radiation before I jump and get a dog . I need to see what my energy level is going to be . WE shall see ....


  1. I would be happy to take you back to look at the dogs. Sweet Pea was a great dog.

    We also looked at the cats. I thought that my cat was big, but wow, there were some big cats. There were a few really cute cats that I was looking at but then had to force myself to leave, I don't think Raini (my cat) is ready for a new brother/sister just yet.

  2. If you aren't totally ga-ga over the animal then keep going back, like once a week. The right one will be there when you decide.. who knows it could be Sweet Pea. Deeohgee was at the pound a month before Max fell in love with him.I don't know why they kept him so long, but Im glad they did. He still is wonderful, after maybe 7 years. I can't really remember when he came home, but he was 1 1/2 yrs old. Still a puppy. Loved to chase around those 2 liter plastic bottles.
    Keep rockin' round ladies. I've got chur back!love ant pam

  3. I must confess that SweetPea was sweet looking, but as she was just out of surgery (spay) it was hard to tell her energy level. Pets can be very calming. HannaH likes to just snuggle in your arms while you watch tv or read. I am working with her to get her to like to be brushed. She was a puppy-mill-bitch and I'm sure rarely groomed. So she is wary, but some more nice time, some more cheese and I think she'll come around to enjoying it.
