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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Walking with Bethany . Feb 6th

I woke up to Karyn's cat looking at me , as if to say where is my food lady ? I want my morning treat ! Every morning when I have breakfast I feed Rainie and give her a little Friskie's treat . I think I have set the bar now for sister . I have made her cat that much more high maintenance . Bawhahaha !!! Shows Karyn ! Lets me into her house , takes care of me , gives me her bed while she sleeps on the couch , takes me to my appointments and feeds me ! I sure showed her ! Made her cat want one more thing . Hahahaha ! Little sister strikes again ! Little sisters of the world unite ! ( I think I git to much sleep last night )

Well Beth picks me up and she asked me where I wanted to go . I looked at her and declared I am out of the house it's a nice day , I am down for what ever ! So she heads the car to Starbucks and we grab a cup and a little snack . We banter for awhile over our lives and our familys . Have a few laughs then decieded to bask in the winter sun .

Beth said she has to change her shoes so she drives to her new house . It was so cute ! Totaly Beth . Her family had just rescued a border collie that weekend and he was a keeper ! He had high energy , barely barked and had a nice shinny coat . While Beth went on a scavenger hunt for her shoes I talked with her husband . Beth came down with tennie runnners on and had bunddled up a little bit more . We were off !

We decieded on Titlow . It is a pretty flat surface and it is paved . Which is good for me . Baby steps . 30th hill can wait a few more months . I have not been to Titlow in a long time . It is a really nice park . As Beth and I start to walk I see a little jack russel terrier who I know . It's Dave Justice's dog Jack . Beth thought I was being funny and saying hi to the dog and just blew it off as me being me . Till we got to Dave and I said hi to him also . After we were a few feet away she giggles a little and says oh you do know them . We walked around the park discussing important things like how rude kids are today , class room sizes , Tacoma schools vs. U.P. schools , tumors , and how can we make a differance in our world , commmunity , ect. It was a full walk . Left me with a ton of questions that I need to answer sooner than later .

It is nice to have a friend like that who you have known for so long , you can express your opinions and feeling and they don't label you a asshole or a idiot for feeling a certian way . I love that I have friends like that where we can debate a topic and not agree on something then a few minutes later be laughing over something different . They don't let it sit on their shoulders . I think that is a good trait to have . The ability to move on and forward .


  1. Keeping up with your progress is way better than reading my horoscope, it is positive every day! You make me happy with your outlook on life. Ebeth you probably feel like you are taking from everyone and not giving. Well I am here to tell you that you are giving to people in more ways than one. Thank you for that! Your love radiates way on out there! Past Pluto, the has been planet. When the aliens come to earth you will be number one on their meet and greet list. That's because of your love rays. Keep being a beacon Ebeth! love you, ant pam

  2. Ebat,
    Pam is right on, and you know she and I can look at the same thing and see something different... so when I say she's dead-on, you know it must be true.

    Pam is a wonderful sister and I think of her often, especially because of you. I see her responses to your writing and I think of her because she has been ill in the past with major health issues. I don't know how you focus your thoughts so clearly, but it really helps me to read what you write. It puts life in a slower lane; it helps me focus on the more important issues and to let slip things that aren't really as important. My sister is important, and so I think more about her; we talk more (now we use Skype); and we try to be together more. Your legacy is far reaching. I love you. Mom

  3. I enjoyed every moment of our little jaunt. I felt like royalty hanging with a celebrity. You amaze me Lizzie and I am so so lucky to know you. I am so greatful for all the memories we have - most are the best I have. You totally rock!
