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Monday, February 15, 2010

All my Valentines ! Feb. 14th

I stayed up a little late watching the Olympics of course , so I woke up a little bit later than I am use to 10:30 !! It felt weird ! I started to get ready to go to lunch with the boys . Mike and Ash ( Andy ) were going to be here at 12ish to take me to lunch . I finish getting ready , play a little trivia on starting to feel smarter already .- they have some tough questions . I get the text that they are out front . Andy was driving , Mike gets out of the front seat and I tell him I can sit in the back . Mike informs me that it will be his pleasure to sit in back becuase that way he gets to stick his butt in Andy's oldest sons face . It was pretty amusing to see mike get in the back . He had about maybe a foot of room between the two carr seats . Andy's boys sat there and made fun of Mike and Mike gave some back . With everyone now in the car we head off . We were on our way to Sonic's . I have never been . It was like a sober version of Harold and Kumar go to white castle . I laughed alot as Andy and Mike told me stories about what they have been up to latley . We get to Sonics and Andy's boys get out of the car and the quite little kids start running and yelling . It was pretty funny . It was like the whole time they were in the car the were waiting to explode and play .
We decided to sit at one of the picnic tables that the have instead of eating in the car . We all gather around the menu and pick what we want . Andy's boy climbed around and then they started the game that only boy's are allowed to play . They were punching ech other in the crotch , it started with the little kids then some how the older kids got involved . Next thing I know Mike punches Andy and Andy is hunched over claiming good shot you got all 3 , Then says that he hit him in the right spot now he has to poop . I am laughing and yet wondering if you could really make a guy poop his pants if you punched him just right in the goods . ANY WAYS , The boys drop me off at home . as I walk up to my door I can hear Juvinile blaring as they drive down the street for about 2 blocks , it didn't seem that loud in the car weird .

I call paul to see how he is doing on time . He informs me that he is still having problem with his car and he should be here at 4ish . So I decide to watch more of the games . Go U.S.A. ! Well I end up taking a nap while waiting . Paul makes it over and he lays down next to me . He tries to pull me out of my groggy state . Saying stuff like we are going to miss all the bands at The Swiss if you don't get up . After about 5 minutes of nudging I concide . I roll over to push him out of bed and the bed all the sudden tilts and we hear a snap . One of the support boards broke . haha those boards are older than me . My mom got that bed when she was in college . She than gave it to my grandma who had it in her guest room then to me . So the bed has had a full life . I look at Paul and inform him we might not make it to The Swiss , Because we now need to go to home depot .
We make it to Home Depot and find the isle we need ans have to wait for the fork lift guy to be done . So I tell Paul about lunch and the ball busting that had happened . He kinda laughs then punchs me in my crotch , so as protocall goes I tap him back . Paul hunches over a little and informs me I am not allowed to do that . My argument was he did it to me , then said the golden rule . Do onto others as you would have undo to you . Tongue stuck out and everything . We get the boards cut and are on our way to The Swiss . I get a text from our friends Meg and Greg saying it was way to loud for them and to meet at O'mally's . Fine by us . We sat around shooting the breeze for a few hours then me beening sick called it a night at 8:30 . Paul drops me off and comes up stairs to help me fix the bed . We both are laughing at the whole ordeal . He says his good byes and was on his way . I watch the Olympics high light and went off to sleep .


  1. Your bed is even older than my college days. It was from the 1930's. So yes, it is old. I really like the square metal that it uses instead or round. It is also cool that it is so high... unless you fall out of bed.

    Olympics are fun to watch. I'm right there with you.


  2. Hey I tried and enjoyed myself. Think I am going to try element symbols next. Maybe learn something. My Valentine's Day was good. Went to brunch at Vets of Foreign Wars Post one and it was nice. Last year this time your Mom was up here helping with the wedding. Her Brides Boquet was lovely. Still is, dried. Noo took the top of the cake out of the freezer. Max sez now we have more room! Their present to each other was going to Burlington Coats and Noo got a jacket and boots. Max got underwear and pants. Ah Young Love :)
    Hope you and Nurse Rachit are doing good. You both are in my heart and thoughts. love ant pam
