Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Olympics, Farrelli's and Earthquakes

Saturday started off nice and relaxing, I had stayed the night with Liz  just incase she needed some assistance.  Friday Liz was admitted into the ER due to having some episodes of "Elvis Legs" (as she calls it) and dehydration after starting the day at 3AM throwing up.  (see previous post).  We started the morning of just lounging around her place.  I was sleeping on an air mattress in the front room.  Liz was currled up on the couch when I mentioned that I should start getting my day underway.  She chuckled a little and said, "let me help you." With that she pulled the plug out of the mattress, the air wisked out of the matteress, it sounded like an airplane taking off.  In just a few seconds I was flat on the floor. 

We both went about our mornings preparing for an afternoon of watching Olympics at Farrelli's.  Dad and I showed up early to get things ready and chauffeur mom showed up a little bit later with the lady of the day.  The day started off with Curling and NCAA basketball on the TVs accompanied by some really yummy breakfast pizzas from Farrelli's.  They pies were a new recipe that they were trying out.  We all gave them a big thumbs up.  As we were watching the Curling competition dad explained many of the rules and neuances of the sport.  He was explaining that at the level of the Olympics the players are the true "rock stars" of the event.

About an hour into the event there were many of us that had just found out about the earthquake in Chile.  Our collective thoughts and prayers go out to all of the people in Chile and all of the areas effected by any of the aftermath. 

The afternoon continued with TVs broadcasting Olympics, updates on Chile and the possible tsunamis and basketball.  Through out the day we had items that were raffled off.  Liz was the offical number puller.  She did a great job locating the winner.  There was a great distribution of winners.  The afternoon wrapped up about 3:00.  With full tummies and bounty in hand we all bid each other a good afternoon and went our seperate ways.  The rest of the day was fairly low key

Thank you everyone for your continued support!

1 comment:

  1. I SO wish I could have heard your dad's lesson on curling! What in the heck?! I don't understand that *game* (I can't quite consider it a sport) and why do they always scrub the ice when the rock/disc thing is sliding? Ya. I don't really understand that game at all. :-)
