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Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's finally here !!!!

I LOVE I'm mean LOVE the Olympics ! I can not tell you a exact reason why or ramble on about scores and I surely can not correctly say or spell most of their names , all though I might try . I find the whole spirit of the games to be what draws me to them . They all seem so graceful .

Last night I had sister over to watch the opening . I was all excited ! I made a few snacks of a veggie plate and some homemade wings . Yummy ! Her and I waited on baited breath for the festivities to start . I like comparing the different countries outfits . I really like it when the flag bearer has a special outfit that is representative of their culture and traditions . I thought they did a great job with the show . I was glad to see that they didn't try to chase the Torino opening . I think that both were great in their own way . I am super stoked to see how this years games play out .

Earlier in the day I had another M.R.I. ( said with a exasperated voice ) The tech guy told me to go into the dressing room and take off any thing that had metal . I told him I just need to lock up my purse , I quit wearing a bra to the hospital about a month ago because every time I wear one I have to take it off . Now this normally is not a hard task but you add a I.V. in your arm it becomes a bit more tricky . The tech who was doing my told me I was looking better . I asked him if I had seen him before . He laughed and said that it was right after surgery and then the day after my surgery , so he understood me not recognizing him . I said well my excuse for not remembering him was I could not wear my glasses with all the gauze and I was on morphine , but mostly the morphine . So we start the scans . The first was pretty quick about 6 minutes , then they added the contrast . ( I don't know if anyone out there is apart of the few people who gets a weird taste in their mouth when given a shot of something but I am . It is a hard taste to define but I can say that it is not a good taste . ) I make my gross face like a kid who just had to eat lima beans ( which I actually like ) The tech looked at me and said he has has the other techs inject him to see what the taste was like but he does not get it . I told him he was lucky . I go back in the tube for about 10 minutes more and we were all done with the slides . Part 1 done on to part 2 .

I get my purse and head down stairs to the radiology department for my dry run . I check in and give the nurse at the counter a few pens . On a earlier trip in I had talked her about pens and how many I go through on a shift she said she has to gaurd hers with her life . Plus it never hurts to have the people that make your appointment times like you . I get my 2nd " bracellett " and go to the back waiting room = for people getting treatment only . I change into a robe and put my stuff in a locker and get a good magazine . I barely get trhough one article and they call me in . They have me lay on a hard table that is slim . They set a yoga type block ( about the sixe of a quart of milk ) between my feet and wrap 2 rubberbands around them to prevent my feet and legs from moving . Then they snap me into the " plastic " mask . I had to lay there not moving for almost 45 minutes . My legs started to fall asleep and was just all around uncomfortable . They finish fine toning where the lasers should go and the points on the mask . The 3 thech high five each other and tell me way to stay still . I look at they with my now reptile looking face and say thanks . ( I get a latice or reptile skin from the plastic form that hold my head and shoulders in the same postion ) . I got my stuff and walked to the front waiting room and looked at mom and sister and informed them I was over the whole hospital thing and was ready to go .

Karyn had met with my radialogist navagator ( Barb ) while I was getting my MRI done . Barb had done me a favore and was able to get me films of my tumor ! I was so happy . I know doesn't take much . What I want to do is sandwhich the film between two peices of glass and kinda turn it into a suncatcher . I know slightly morbid . It will serve as a little reminder to myself that if I think that something is not right it most likely is not right .

Hahaha I almost forgot since mom likes to tattle on her self I figure I might as well tattle on her too . While I was going trough my dry run mom and sister were in the front waiting room . Mom was working on a puzzle they have out. well she wanted more light so she tries to turn on one of the end table lights and no light . She makes her way around the room trying all the end table lights none of them work ! Mom walks up to the receptionist and informs her that all the end table light are out . The receptionist tell mom well they haven't work since she has been working there . Mom asked how long have you been here . She says about a year and a half . Mo asked her for a light bulb . She finds one . Mom goes around to all the lights to test them out . They all had burnt out lights !!! Mom changed the one and informed the receptionist , ( who had just watched the crazy lady go around the room changing all the bulbs thinking to her self HOW long is her daughter in treatment for ! ) you just need more light bulbs .( Moms face had that kinda proud look a kid gets )

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I had forgotten so much of that S$IT! The great thing about the dry run and the real thing is it feels the same. It's more about the motion of the process than any thing else. I forgot about the locker and the key on the bright plastic wrist holder, and watching as everyone is told the same drill. It's really bad when your ready to go home and your support won't leave the puzzle untill they get just one more peice!
    Good luck girl, I'm there with you. say hi to nurse mary for me, she is really sweet!
    Love, Kassie
