Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I picked up Elizabeth after her body molding around noon. She still had faint traces of netting that enveloped her face. I'm sure she will blog about it. We went to Wendy's Vietnamese at FreightHouse Square for some yummy veggies, rice with curry and tofu. We split the huge serving and had spring rolls that we could only eat one of, so that's a snack for Karyn and Liz later. We had a bit of a discussion about the spiciness... she likes 5 (highest) and I like about 1.5 (something, but not all heat), we settled on a 3. It was very good, as usual. If you've never tried "Wendy's" you're in for a treat. There is also one on Tacoma Mall Blvd (Wendy's II). When Elizabeth and Karyn were in elementary school and had friends around and we talked about going to Wendy's the other kids thought "hamburgers", but were brought back down to earth when we told them is was stir fried Asian cuisine. E & K have always liked veggies and have always eaten a lot of them. So now that Eli needs to eat 5-6 fruit/vegetables she is happy. I sure enjoy being around Elizabeth, she is a positive person who keeps everyone around her on target... the keep your eye on the prize target we are aiming for. Thank you for reading her story. Keep up the prayers, good vibes, emails, phone calls and comments in the blog. All of it makes her happy. It's one thing to have friends, but to see them taking an interest is really uplifting. Thanks.


  1. Hi Liz - you're in my thoughts. Sending lots of good vibes your way !!! Looks like the Ale House turned out great too. many smiles to you. Jeri - WWW

  2. Wendy's is the greatest! I'm with Liz...gimme the 5 hot. It is probably good because Noo likes hot too.
    I dunno if they do your head like when I had radiation on my breast...they have you lay on a black garbage bag and pump it full of foam so you are exactly the same position always. Plus the little black dot tats. I never felt bad after, just tired. When I started feeling better, then I realized how bad I felt. Strange but true. Elizabeth you will breeze thru this, especially with your loving guide Nurse Rachit. I pray for you both. I love you both. ant pam

  3. Hi, Liz...

    It's your mom's friend, Irene. I just wanted to say that I worked with a guy who had lots and lots of chemo and radiation. All his life, he had the absolute dullest hair I'd ever seen. It was perfectly straight with no body. No oomph! It was stringly and, well...just plain ugly. He lost all his hair in the process. But when it grew back, he had the most beautiful, shiny head of curly black hair we'd ever seen. All us girls envied him! And he gloated about it because he never had to do anything with it. It just framed his face perfectly.
    Let's hope you get lucky. Maybe black isn't your color, but you'll be the envy of the town!
