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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Feb. 5th Getting ready

Well I went over to my place for the 1st time really since Jan. 4th !! Over a month ! Needless to say it smelled . The trash had needed to be taken out about 5 weeks ago . I was nervous to open the fridge . I thought I might need a Full body suit with oxygen mask . It was pretty full of food that I had just bought on Jan. 3rd sooo annoyed to throw away all that food . Oh well . Karyn was a trooper and helped me empty out the fridge before her meeting that day . I wanted to get all the big stuff that I could in the trash before they came for pick up . Made it on time and was even able to add a few more bags . I am amazed that my trash guys come pretty much at the same time every week . at about 10- 11 am . I have lived places where they come one week at 7am and the next at 3pm . I like knowing helps with the cleaning schedule .

After Karyn left me at my place I looked around baffled at where I would start . I have to be honest , I had been really tired the last few months . Working a short shift about 6 hours I would feel pretty tired . So I really hadn't cleaned cleaned my place in awhile . I mean I surfaced cleaned but no dusting , moving the couch , wiping down the shelfs , or window washing . It seemed that doing those things dipped to much into my nap time the last 3 months . So I decided to honor what I had promised Karyn and not over do it . I turned on the T.V. to Discovery and conjure a attack plan . I conclude to work only during the commercials . I figured I can not over do it in that amount of time . Plus then after the commercial is over I get a 15 minute break ! Sweet ! Things that take a commercial break to do , it is so easy and such a small amount of time , a sink load of dishes , load the washer then fold whats in the dryer and reload dryer , scrub sink bathtub and toilet , sweep kitchen and bathroom floor . I was pretty happy with my system . I am intrested to see what else I can find that takes just 5 to 7 minutes .

I had mom pick me up at 2ish and her and I went and had a late lunch at E-9 . It was my 1st time back there since I have been out . It was great to see everyone ! Mom and I went to the bar and had a seat at the buddy bar . Mandy was bartending I was super impressed that she remembered how specific my mom is about her soda . Mandy even remembered the light ice part . Mom and I sat in there for awhile chatting and giggling . It was nice . Sometimes I find myself in these moments where I dont really feel like I had a tumor or that anything was ever wrong with me . I think it is due to the fact that I found out I had a tumor then with in 24 hours I didn't . It just never really had time to sink in . I think I am the better for it , sometimes for me sitting or stewing on something that huge can eat at me . I am glad it happened the way it did ( as morbid as that might sound .... ) .

Mom and I after lunch went to Target . She need a new laundry hammper . I just wanted to stay out of the house longer =) . After mom found the right hammper for her I made her look at all the discount racks . I found a few things to try on . So did mom . We had a small fashion show complete with turns and hip checks . I found a nice sweater that I can wear to a few dinner that I have coming up . I love the 50 and 75 % off racks . It is hard to find a good reason why I should't buy something that is five dollars and looks that good on me .

I have mom drop me off back at my house so that I can finish a load of laundry and the last sink of dishes . I take a look around and feel like I was wonder women for getting done what I got done . I figure if I keep it up my place should be ready no time . It will feel good to be in a nice organized cleaned and smelling good and cozy home . Kinda like a hug from a great friend . Welcoming , comforting and releaving ( or is it a release that you get ? from the pressures of life or the problem ? or is it a transfer ? like you place your problem on their shoulder for the duration of the hug ? Makes tha mind reel ! ) .

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