Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ale House Benefit

Well my plan to do nothing but sleep all day and relax yesterday work ! Sister and I went up to the Ale House at about 3:30 and spent a half hour in the parking lot talking to people who were leaving . I was not sure what to expect . My dad and sister kept saying there was going to be like four to three hundred people through out the day . I thought they were nutts ( yup they so crazy they get two " T's ") ! I was thinking to my self my dad might be a C.P.A. but he can not count people ! Boy did I eat my words ! From what I heard the place had been packed since about noon till seven when we left . CRAZY !!!!

I can not explain the emotions that I was feeling they changed a lot . When I first walked in and saw everybody , I felt the tight feeling my neck and my eyes felt like they might start to open the flood gates . ( I haven't had a flood gate moment yet . Last time I cried my brain leaked so I think I am still a little scared to cry . ) It is an odd feeling for me to have something that large for me . It was weird to see my face up on posters . ( kinda felt like a bought a pint of milk and saw myself as a lost child . hahah any ways )

It was really cool to see people whom I have been friends with since I was in kindergarten ! I am so floored that I have friends that I have known for that long . They know where I keep the bodies so to speak . They are the ones that know the stories that you wished were not true . They know what you wanted to be when you were 5 and still think you could be a bar spinner or a professional wrestler on G.L.O.W. ! Ahhh I'm so lucky !

I loved the drawings that Mandy and Twan's daughters made for me ! They were soo cute when giving them to me . Little kid hugs are some of the best . Then Mr. McKay framed and blew up this photo that I had asked him to take for me when we were in Copalis for Anns 30Th birthday . It was the light shining down through the clouds and trees so it looks like fingers . I loved it ! My mom use to tell us when that happened it was our loved ones who went to heaven reaching down to hug us . So I was pretty excited to see that Pip lived up to the standered in which I think of his work and got the most spetacular shot ! It was truelly lovely .

Tonight was a rare night . I'm glad that I was well enough to experience it . I can not remember the last time I had so many hugs ! Love hugs ! I also met a lot of new people . I just hope I can remember all the names and faces .....

Well sister just brought me an evening cocktail of Airborn and my mind is starting to drift , I want to write more but I think it will have to wait till tomorrow , So with this I say goodnight my friends . Thank you and spred the love .


  1. Sounds like a huge turnout! Makes me so happy for you! I bet you slept like a baby last night. Were a lot of cool things @ the silent auction? You gonna post some pics? Keep hanging in there! You know you are loved! I am one of the many that loves you and sends good vibes to you. ant pam

  2. Liz, It was great seeing you. I am so glad the benefit went well, but I had no doubt. You have no idea how much you are loved by people you just come in contact! Your infectious laugh, makes everyone laugh, so when Liz Laughs, everyone does! Everytime I look at my cartoon of the kids "popcorn popper" I smile. Take care my friend, love Bob & Terri
