Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Today is party day! Yeah. Tomorrow is her "real" birthday, but today we celebrate. Several of her friends are coming, Laurel & Sergio with daughters Mattie and Maycee, Carolyn, Erin, Vanessa (her aunt) and Vanessa's fiance, Colin, her bf, Paul and the family. Not too many just a core of people who have been helping her for the last three weeks and with whom she's been close. We know that many would want to come, but our dining room can only seat 16 so the 14 that were here about maxed us out. Elizabeth was maxed. She was dog tired at the end of the evening, but so happy to have seen her friends. It is always fun to have younger people about the house. They told stories on themselves and laughter was everywhere.

Elizabeth's father makes the BEST spaghetti sauce. His sauce makes others pale by comparison. Yum. A great salad was made by Karyn. She puts corn kernels in it. That always throws me, but it is so good. The craisons, and homemade candied walnuts don't hurt it either. It is such a good salad. There were three types of french bread: plain buttered, buttered with garlic, and cheesy bread. Then dessert. Good wine, lots of water, and friends sharing a meal.

I cannot say what Elizabeth thought tonight, I didn't ask her, but I know that every guest expressed their heartfelt affection for her and the fact that she is here with us. It was a true celebration of life... hers.

She opened presents and asked for spaghetti sauce to take back to Karyn's. She got a big piece of the dessert for later and off she went... tired, but happy.

Oh, and she told a story on herself and her father. It seems after lunch yesterday they went to Costco, to purchase supplies for today and to look around. Well, the walked by the recliners and both of them have medical issues and tire easily... you guessed it! They each laid back in a chair and feel asleep! In Costco! Ah, Elizabeth— just knowing you makes me a happier person.


  1. I forgot to say, that while her birthday dinner was limited, you may join her at the Ale House on January 31st for a spaghetti feed and auction. It would be nice to see you there.

  2. Happy Birthday Elizabeth! Sounds like you had the best birthday dinner. Wish I could of been there laughing with you. Makes me feel good to hear that you are healing. See what a good attitude, Nurse Rachit, and prayer can do. Oh, and a good power nap! Remember you are loved by many, like me! ur ant pam

  3. Thank you for all the Birthday-er wishes ! I feel pretty lucky lately and look forward to being better so I can spend time with my friends and not need a nap half way through . I think that I know some of the most amazing people ! Thank you all much love liz
