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Friday, January 29, 2010

A good day

Well today I had a day off from being scanned , poked , taped , or told really big words that I will never be able to spell . It was nice ! Super nice ! Karyn arranged for mom and I to get our hair done at Embellish Salon . My stylist Trish was AWESOME ! When she was shampooing my hair I told her it was my favorite thing about a hair cut . I really like the head massage plus the smell of the shampoo and the warm water , it is so relaxing . She told me I was in luck because she was going to shampoo my hair 3 time to get all the sticky stuff ( the monitor sticker where super sticky ! ) , iodine , and what ever else was still holding on that I wasn't able to get myself . That alone made my day almost . Trish was so careful around my staple area and where the brain drain were , almost more than me .
Trish did a cute cut that would help me hide my staple area . I don't mind it that much but it seem to disturb little children and other girls - had a few ask if I need a safe place to stay , never had that happen before but thought that was super sweet , but then woundered if they would just drop me off at the shelter ...- Trish also showed me how to style my hair . I really thought that was fabulouse because I am not known for my hair styling abilities , if I am it is for the lack of . She made it super easy and even made it seem simple . Oh yeah I have bangs for the first time in .... almost 13 years maybe longer . I am not use to them yet not sure if I will get the chance but who knows I could ! Opps almost forgot moms hair looks super cute too !
After that we went to Hellp Cupcake so I could get a friend a cupcake for her birthday . Since we were there we thought we might as well have one too . They were darn tasty ! Sister and I splite a chocolate caupcake with buttercream and a white cupcake with chocolate buttercream . What can I say we had cupcake jungle fever ! Mom had a chocolate cupcake with peppermint chocolate buttercream . If you ever get the chance go ! It was my 2nd time there and I am always blown away by how good they are .
Sister and I then went and drove around getting a few things done . After that had a good dinner ! Erin came and picked me up and we went out to celebrate her birthday ! Yippy ! I was talking with a guy when I was there and I had told him about my tumor . He prceded to tell me about his friend who even though he would complain about not feeling well and all the other weird stuff he had happening to him did not go to the doctor . Yet he went out every night with the boys and drank . What ended up happening was he drank through his cancer . I am pretty sure if I would not have noticed as soon as I did if I hadn't quit drinking . I would of chalked up the headaches to hangovers or lack of water maybe even to much coffee . I am also lucky that my family and close friends listen to me . I was urged both times I went to urgent care by them . They were there to hold my hand , give me the nod that it would be alright , then the hug and hand squeezes saying everything will work out . I am honored to have such people in my life . Thank you all for everything you do for me and my family . The prayers , love , words of encouragement they all help and make a differance . Thank you !


  1. Love you babe! Your hair cut is cute and you are doing so well. Raini says "mmeeeooowwww"

  2. Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your day. It helps me not to worry about you so much. You also have such a good attitude! I know some of it is the TLC you get from Nurse Rachit. Love to you both, like a winter wind coming down from Alaska. It is blasting you with good vibes and love. Be sure to have someone taking pictures tomorrow. I wish I could be there with you and everyone who loves and cares about you. Deeohgee rolled in the snow in your honor. Lily pooped in the house. You would think a German dog would be all about clean. I hear Max giving her a lecture. Oh well. love you both bunches! ant pam
    I should say also that I think my sister is doing a great job too. I love her bunches.

  3. Way to go Lizzy, you are doing great and I can't wait to see you tomorrow for the big Alehouse event. You are awesome and I love you tons.


  4. Is Hello Cupcake nearly as good as that joint we subwayed, bussed, and walked for miles and miles and miles to in New York? *evil laugh*
