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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Travails

At the 4 AM scheduled meds Karyn and Elizabeth noticed some drainage from the wound of the operation. So they called us (Mom and Dad) and we met them at about 6:30 AM at the TG ER. After much waiting, a few well taken sutures and gauze wrap we were out of there.

Elizabeth went back to Karyn's for rest. Then after dinner (5:30pm) her head had more discharge. Which Karyn changed her dressing and waited, but again it became very damp so Karyn took Elizabeth back to the ER. They went about 6:30 PM today. And we just received the call that Elizabeth is being readmitted.

Please keep praying for her. She needs all of us helping her get well. It is proven that prayer can/does help. Right now Elizabeth is facing an ugly situation. She needs all of our positive thoughts/energy and prayers.

Just an aside that Elizabeth would laugh with you about: The day the tumor was diagnosed we went from her house to the Urgent Care at Westgate. (Intending to eat breakfast after the doctor visit.) But the doctor had us go directly to Allenmore. When we got there we were both hungry, but they told Elizabeth she couldn't eat after checking in. So she kept saying how hungry she was... Then they shipped us to TG via ambulance, and still no food. They put her on liquids until her surgery was over the next night. Well, she was very hungry. Then today happened... again no breakfast. So when tonight happened she had just finished a good meal... at least she is there with a meal and not on an empty tummy again. Hurrah for her.

I am still fighting my terrible cold. I want nothing more than to be by her side, but I'd hate to infect her with my virulent cold bugs. So I'm here writing to you all and hope to get well enough to visit her tomorrow. I MUST get to see her. This not going because I'm sick is enough to make me violent... good things I'm home with lots of pillows to punch.

More as we know it.


  1. Thank you so much for the updates! The family and I are praying hard for Elizabeth every day. Of course, we all really want to visit her, but I know we will have to be patient. Please send her our love! And I hope you feel better very soon, so you can see her.

    Love & hugs! -Ann

  2. Hi Katherine, take it easy woman, the Lord loves you too, and I'll bet you need a little down time in the midst of all this. Getting angry is misdirecting your energy, so get hold of it gal, punch a couple pillows and give it up to God--He's right there for you. Don't forget to take care of yourself so you can be there for Liz & everyone else who needs you. Get some rest, dose yourself with vits & meds and lots of liquid and chicken soup--you heard it from a mom, Zion's mom. God's got angels posted by Liz, we asked for them. The Lord's hand is on Her--has she opened her heart? May the good Lord bless your family with peace and healing.
    In His Love,
    Diana Covington aka Diana Poole
