Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tick, Tock... Tick, Tock... time. It can rush by or seem to stand still. Thirty seconds can seem like nothing. You can hold your breath for 30 seconds (or you should be able to), but you couldn't sit on a hot stove for more than a second or two before that amount of time was too long. So when we think about time, it all depends on what we are thinking about. On Wednesday Elizabeth had to lie flat (since her surgery she's had to be at a 35° angle or more... even sleeping). The CAT scan and MRI were both lying flat and for 20 minutes and about 45 minutes... respectively, but enough that with all the fluids she had to ingest her face became swollen and her left eye was almost shut and under her eye the tissue looked reddish, like she was slapped. It was the symptoms she had missed after the surgery. She was told she might experience swelling and black eyes after the trauma of the surgery, but she didn't... until the scanning procedures. So she had discomfort and a headache. Which was probably from her swollen face pressing her eyes and against her head.

Mom and Dad joined Karyn and Elizabeth today at the radiologist's office. Dr. Reiki. He was measured and direct in his explanation of just what had happened and what he proposed. The most unusual thing was this tumor was not common. It was in fact, uncommon if not rare... all tumors are cells that "go amuck". So breast cancer is breast cells that mutate and the body fights them. The prostate are prostate cells. Elizabeth, never one to do it easy, had primitive cells become cancerous. That means the cells BEFORE they become specific cells. So these cells in her brain were primitive because they had not become specific. And we were told we all have primitive cells, but very few... as cells become what they need to be and don't stay primitive. So for her to have primitive cells become cancerous was a long shot to begin with.

Now because of this, they want to follow the scans, which show no cancer, with a lumbar puncture. They would draw spinal fluid from her lower back and check it for primitive cells. To see if she is free of them or not. Then that will help determine the course of treatment. After we have the results of this procedure (Monday) we will be going to the UW to confer with the head of the neurology department.

So you can see she isn't just laying around eating the yummy food that is being brought by well-wishers, but she is hard at work healing and being a good patient. Her sister is an excellent caregiver, helping her in all things to do with her recovery. Karyn is the unsung hero in this event. She has given generously of her time and money to help her sister. She drives her to appointments (parents drive if Karyn can't), prepares meals, cleans, and sterilizes her home for Elizabeth. One gets exhausted just thinking about all the work.

So keep Elizabeth in your prayers. We want her spinal fluid clear of any cells that should NOT be there. Keep those good vibes coming. Prayers are greatly appreciated. Thank you to all who pray for her, who send food, and who are helping in so many ways. We send blessings to each of you for your concern and help. Friends and family are a true Godsend.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Elizabeth! You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.I know I am among the many that love you. I know that it is hard to have people doing things for you. You are strong in many ways. It will be a memory before you know it. love ant pam
