Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A milestone is reached!!!!! Elizabeth was allowed to have her hair washed. You could hear her sigh for blocks. Imagine not being able to wash your hair for two weeks! She said it doesn't look its best but she feels much better than before.

Movie watching, enjoying meals provided by friends and family and short visits by by friends/family who call for an appointment are how Elizabeth spends her day.

She wanted all who have provided food to know that she is very grateful, as is her sister, Karyn. If you have never been a caregiver, you may not realize how draining it is to be on call 24/7. The help of prepared meals is so welcomed! We can all relate to the strain of even just deciding WHAT to serve. Having the whole meal come ready to eat is a true blessing. And yummy.

1 comment:

  1. You are scootin' right along there! I am happy for you and Karyn too. The power of prayer helps too. Mary Digney my very active catholic friend, got her prayer group on you. Noo says Bhuddist prayers for you. Love helps too. You are loved by many. Happy thoughts to you. Like the Greatful Dead said..."Keep On Truckin'" or maybe James Brown sings it right..."Get up off that thang, makes you feel better" Can you tell I've been doing limewire? love you Ant pamster
