Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday wait an see

On Tuesday Elizabeth had no pain. She did have a large turban on her head to help with the drainage of the spinal fluid. The turban of gauze also applied slight pressure back toward her head. She says it feels good. We think the skull's pressure pushing out and the gauze pressing back equalizes so she feel pretty good.

Because the gauze is so thick she can't wear her glasses so we usually don't watch TV, but Mom reads to her from Stephanie Plum. Tuesday they began the Thirteenth book. Mom tries different voices and inflections for Lula, Granma Mazur and other characters. There are times the laughter doesn't stop for two or three minutes. (Lula is a kick.)

Tuesday night was the first time no family or bf stayed the night. Elizabeth said she felt fine being there alone, and actually wanted some time alone. So we respected that and she spent her first night alone. (Of course hospital staff was there.)


  1. Ebeth
    You are in my prayers, and on my mind. I am not worried though, because you are a strong, positive force I know will kick ass when you need to. Be happy in the fact that you are loved dearly by many me!

  2. I LOVE picturing the reading with different voices and inflections...right up Liz's alley! Reminds me of her amazing Mario Kart sound effects...too cool!!!
