Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday, January 23 , 2010

Saturday dawned sunny. In the Northwest any day that's sunny is a good day. So after her morning appointment Liz joined her dad for lunch. Just Dad and Elizabeth chillin' and laughing. Mom was at a P.E.O. luncheon and Karyn was at home catching up on chores that have been neglected.

A nap (naturally) on Mom and Dad's bed and she was ready for her bf, Paul, to come over with Karyn to help Mom put away the Christmas boxes: tree decorations, garlands, lights, table cloths, and much more. Liz just chilled while the three of them toted this and that box or bag. Finally done the three disappeared into the night to enjoy dinner at Opa! on Sixth Ave.

Everyone had a good day. Tomorrow is her birthday party. Now I need to give you the vanilla torte recipe...

Now this is yummy, so read with caution: May cause craving in some adults. Jones-ing for a fix is a common side effect. So proceed with care.

Vanilla Torte

1C flour                          
1 cube butter (margarine)    
1/2 C finely chopped nuts              

Mix these three ingredients with a pastry knife. Pat into a 9 x 13 pan Bake for 15min. at 375°. Cool thoroughly before adding remaining ingredients.

Mix together: (Electric mixer)
8 oz cream cheese (to help cut calories I use Neufachel Lite Cream Cheese)
1 C powdered sugar
1 C cool whip ( I get the large Cool Whip and often use the Lite version)

Spread on crust.

Next Layer:
2 small pkgs of vanilla instant pudding (not cooked typed), use 3 C. milk rather than recipe amount and follow remaining directions

Top with remaining cool whip.




  1. Sounds real good to me! I will have to print out this page.I am glad Elizabeth is doing good. Radiation will make you tired, so it's good to have a good nap routine set. It will also give you a tan, so to speak, on the part getting zapped.I thought it was roll on the floor funny that the head doc of the radiation dept at Providence Hospital in Anchorage was named Dr.Cook. He on the other hand, was probably tired of that ole joke. It DOES help to have a sense of humor, just not at people. I just could'nt help it. Keep a good thought Elizabeth, and know you are loved by many. yur Ant pam

  2. Yummers Vanille Tort is my favorite !!! Thanks Mom ! Thank you Pam for keeping me laughing . I'm excited for you to come down in March ! THank You to everyone for your words of encouragement and support . I belivce it helps . I mean all that good energy has to be good right ?
    Thank you Liz
