Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday and Thursday, January 20 & 21

Well, if you've been staying with the blog all along you know Liz has come a long way. She has stood at the precipice and then come back. They found a tumor and removed it. She is very healthy, though still tiring easily. Yesterday and today were fairly quite. She went out to lunch yesterday with a friend and after the outing came home for a nap. Today she had an early morning meeting and then some time to herself as Karyn is working a little for her former company and Mom didn't get over there until early afternoon.

When Mom got there Liz and Mom walked to Farelli's for a cup of tomato bisque and cheesy bread and a walk back home. Liz had boiled eggs to make egg salad and did a yummy job. We had egg salad sandwiches for dinner. A game of Mexican Train (dominoes) after dinner and the visit of one friend and Liz was ready to call it a night.

For those who know her know this would have been nothing to Liz last year. We are gearing up for the radiation treatment next week. Wednesday they will map her body for the radiation. All of that lead us to talk about the hard copies of the MRI. She wants to get one to frame. We think that would be very cool.

We are talking about shirt designs too. We spit ball ideas like: Avocado Grove; Get Your Grove On... Join Liz's Avocado Grove... or be green. Have ideas? Let's hear 'em.

Her improvement is nothing short of wonderful for all of us. Soon round Two. We are talking a lot about how to help her pay for her bills, especially without insurance and without working for three weeks, so far. Don't forget we're having a spaghetti feed for her on January 31 at the Ale House. Noon to 8PM. (I think)... more on that later. Thanks for keep up on Liz. She is so grateful for your concern.


  1. I'm just spit ballin' here with ya..
    Grow your pits! Avacados not underarms!
    When life throws Avacados at you, make Guacamole!
    Liz's 'Cados Club and Health Spa
    Avacado's R US Team Green
    Avacado Theme Green On The Scene
    I'll do some more brain storming later.
    Love ya Ant pam

  2. How bout "Avocados aren't as good if you have to grow them yourself" Love ya, Veronica

  3. i love the t-shirt idea ! sending good thoughts your way Liz. -Jeri, WWW

  4. I love the brain storming. I think the T-shirts need to be green, of course. Now you lurkers need to pipe up and put your 2 cents in. Come on, let those creative juices flow.

  5. Let me know if you need help designing them graphically.
