Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Elizabeth and her family continue to thank all who have made inquiries about Elizabeth's health.

Liz is very much herself, with a snappy wit and ready laugh. She had had some issues with her vision, mostly from not being able to wear her glasses in a proper way. (Without a turban) We expect that when the turban is off her new glasses will give her vision the correction they need.

Friday was a long day for Liz with friends and family dropping by to say hello. Her stamina is increasing and she is better at being able to handle a long day, but we are cautioned by Nurse Ratched to take it easy. Karyn is NR and takes her job seriously. So we tend to "mind" her.

Elizabeth had family see her Friday who had experienced first hand radiation treatment. They came to talk to her about what to expect and their experiences. This was helpful to Liz. It is worth mentioning that recovery from the surgery is one thing, but there is still the daily doses of radiation that will be required to finish the treatment.

Elizabeth is not allowed to do much. This is driving her crazy. We tell her to sit back and we will get her water, meals, etc. She just can't relax with that concept. It is hard when you are used to doing things for yourself to give over this power to others. She is looking forward to Monday, when she is allowed to ride in a car. while that isn't exactly "doing" something, I'm sure it will feel very freeing.

Liz did mention that all the Food Channel that she's watched lately has her dreaming about food... good food, not junk food. So she has expressed the desire to cook more, using good ingredients. She will be acting on this with her sister when they put into an auction to benefit Elizabeth a meal for four. More on the auction as it is organized.

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