Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lazy Bones

Well today I did not done much at all . I wanted to rest up for the benefit the Ale House is having for me tomorrow . There for I have been in the house all day . Reading , Sleeping , Facebooking ( really playing bejeweled =) ) , Sleeping , Writing thank yous , Sleeping , and took a nap with Karyn's cat Rainie she is like taking a sleeping pill ! She crawls up next to and is all warm an starts to purr . Her and I race to see who can fall asleep 1st also we are at about a tie . I have to say I wish besides certian gimies there was more for me to do . They really don't target people who can't do much in the game department . I think there is solitair .... Granted the computer is nice and a good way to feel connected to friends but I can only stare at the screen for so long . Well maybe that is what I will do while I wait to be cleared for reagular activity , mmmmm wonder what kind of game I will come up with ? psss any ideas ?

I am super stoked to see everyone and catch up on what you all have been doing ! I just hope that I have enough energy to keep up with everyone . I am amazed at the amount of support that I have recieved . I mean it is just inspiring , It is hard to feel bad when you get so many people telling you that everything is going to be ok . It just goes to prove to me the power of words .


  1. Remember Elizabeth you are doing are healing. It takes a lot out of someone. Next you will be zapped. Another whammy to the body. You need the rest. Soon enough you will be back to your old routines, then you will be amazed at how your body healed. Read a couple of books. Knit. Do a cross stich sampler. Paint and sketch. You are very creative, write a book on 101 ways to pick your nose, or 101 ways to use toilet paper. I thank God every day that you are healing and how special you are to the family and all your wonderful friends. Thank you for being you! Have a great time today, absorb all the love like a big sponge. There is grace in being able to accept love from others. Not everyone can do it. I know you will make people feel really good about themselves. love ant pam

  2. It was great to participate in your Ale House fundraiser yesterday, Liz, and very good to see you looking so well. My heart continues in prayer for your healing. Think of yourself as well.
    When I was laid up with chickenpox as a kid, I learned to embroider. I still have that picture hanging on my wall! I cherished having had the time to learn the skill. Aunt Pam gave some lovely suggestions of things to do above. Maybe you could get excited about doing some sort of fun lap art project; like a multi-media collage of Liz's Avacado Ordeal, or paint the emotions you are feeling day to day. Do you like stringing beads? They always have lots of variety and good deals at the Bead Factory on 6th Ave. You could make pretties for everybody you know! There, keep on imagining.
    Love, Diana
