Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Monday's Procedure

On Monday Elizabeth's doctor went in and patched the hole in her dura. Which is the outer casing around her brain. It is the casing that keeps the spinal fluid safely contained around the brain.

That procedure went fine. BUT her brain continued to loose spinal fluid... at a rate that Dr. Harris was not okay with. So instead of her going home on Tuesday he kept her to monitor the fluid.

To learn more about the dura:

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you and hoping this is a post-operative complication that will soon be corrected. I don't know if anyone can expect to have a big operation without some kind of side-tracking afterwards. I recently had a big operation myself - so I do know what it is like. Thinking of you, Liz, and hoping that you get to go home soon - this time for good!!!! when that happens, just remember not to try to do anything, or "get something done" - no way. Just lie around and let the time flow by. It sounds like everyone is taking good care of you and you are surrounded by people who love and care. Sending you more of that and many hugs! Cousin Mary
