Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

Time is ticking away. Elizabeth is becoming more and more like herself. Still tired, but witty as ever. Always looking at the positive side of life. Enjoying each day. Today she had a morning appointment; then her sister, Karyn, took her to return dishes that had been brought full of comfort food. Yum, yum. The gratitude from Elizabeth and Karyn for meals is second only to the tastiness of the vittles. The food that friends have been bringing to spare Karyn the efforts of cooking are very appreciated.

Karyn, whose job was lost in November, is grateful not just for the efforts saved in making food, but in the expense of making the food. Karyn has been doing a bit of contract work and that is giving her some money, but no time; so again the food is so welcome. Thank you each and everyone for your efforts to help relieve the drudgery that sets in when emotionally ragged.

I was looking at Elizabeth today. She is just a few days from her 31st birthday. She is so young to be faced with her mortality. Those who are older will understand what I'm saying; those who are younger will later. An event like this can leave us looking outwardly the same, but inwardly volunerable. While Elizabeth is mending well, she must be supported emotionally for the next month as she goes day after day to radiation.

It is always the unknown that weighs on our minds. And I'm sure this weighs on her's, though she has said nothing. She always has a bright smile and a ready laugh; the odd way of seeing something that brings humor to all; the turn of a phrase and play on words that exercises her mind. She will want to talk to you, her friend; to spend time with you, her friend. In the end isn't that what we all want? To share time with those we feel close to; or share a kindred spirit with?

Today she had a nap (of course) after the car ride and Karyn helped Mom take down the Christmas stuff in preparation for Sunday's birthday par-te. Ya, Man. It will be her dad's spaghetti and her mom's vanilla torte (instead of cake) on the Birthday Girl's Menu Request. Yum. Sorry there isn't enough for everyone, but I will share the recipe if you want it... it is one that we have used for 35 years. It still gets rave reviews– if you know the Doman's you can ask them how good it is, they have used it almost as long. You taste it, you love it. Recipe tomorrow.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Elizabeth and her dad race to see who can fall asleep first for their naps. Elizabeth is getting really good. Sometimes she wins!

    Her dad has congestive heart failure so he also needs to rest.
