Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday dawned early for Liz... she was up at the early morning time of 6AM! Karyn is her driver and off they went to an 8AM appointment. Home for lunch. A nap. A light snack. Dinner with family and then a calendar update. Elizabeth can only schedule one thing a day. Our trip yesterday was actually too tiring with the long lunch. It takes too much out of her to do things for more than a couple of hours. So if you've wondered why she's moving so slow when she seems to be are "ole Liz"... it's because her brain has to heal from the trauma of surgery and the tumor. She has not experienced any bad effects from the surgery, because she is very careful not to do too much nor to do things she shouldn't.

She cannot lift more than 5 pounds. A half gallon of milk = 8 cups... a pint = 2 cups (stay with me now... I'm building to how much a half gallon of milk weighs)... and a pint weighs a pound... so a half gallon is about 4 pounds! So she is just about maxed out at a half gallon. Five pints of beer would be her limit to carry, but the tray to carry them on would put her over the weight limit. Yeah, right... can't serve a big table of thirsty customers with a limit of 4 beers on a tray.

She cannot put her head lower than her heart. So no bending to pick up anything that's dropped. That makes her sister, parents and friends her "step and fetch" Gofers. Can't lay flat... head at about 35° to bed.

She cannot do repetitive motions. (Wouldn't that be counting pull tabs for customers, or pulling the taps on kegs?)

She cannot twist or turn nor can she sneeze or cough.

All said and done these rules aren't too bad. But they are driving our girl crazy. She says she wants to be able to have more freedom to do things for herself. Her sister, Nurse Rached, is on her case if she does ANY thing the least bit suspect. So tonight for our nite time toddy we are all drinking a double old fashion filled with Airborne. Gotta do what we can to stay healthy and keep any "bugs" at bay.

Another day checked off for our patient. Another Good Day. She feels very good. Has her sense of humor and minds her nurse. She appreciates your concern and prayers. All the well-wishers are a blessing to her. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the live update at 10pm. It really helps me not to worry as much when you report the news! Sounds like you are both doing really good. Keep on her butt Nurse R. I imagine that sleeping is good...helps D brain to heal.
    Maybe you can borrow some old ladies grabber, you know those things that look like a cane with pinchers on the end. Bet Ebeth would get real handy with that. Yellow tennis balls, powder blue leisure outfit and sunglasses, the girl is stylin'. I will keep saying my prayers and sending my love to south 9th. love Ant pam
