Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday AM

Liz was taken into surgury just a little bit ago to repair the drainage.
Please continue to send your good thoughts and prayers for Liz and a speedy recovery.

We will post an update to the surgery this afternoon.

Thank you for all of your support and continued good thoughts and prayers for Liz.


  1. Lizzy I LoVE You!!!!!!! Love yenny!!!

  2. You were supposed to get better Liz - if you wanted to know how much you mean to everyone - there is a river of tears you can go rafting on when you are well again. I love you so much! You are my birthday twin - suppose we aren't celebrating together this year (again)....

  3. it is strange because i just found pictures of you me and katie in the back field when we were in high school. my mom still works as a nurse at TG, so she will be stopping in to check on you. i hope your mom is feeling better and can come see you, but i figure she could be an ok subtitute. i miss you tons and want to hear that you are better soon. -amanda (mccolm) gnagi

  4. Hey Girl, Mandy told me you was back in, damn, I hope your back out real soon! Continue your recovery, I know sometimes there are bumps in the road, and you can't get going to fast, but slow and steady always maks it to the end. Hang in there, it's going to be alriight.
    love & Prayers,
