Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday's update

Today is day one of recovery. Liz has been progressing well. They are continuing to monitor her in the ICU, where she is keeping us, and the staff, entertained in true Liz Fasion with her whitty personallity. They are anticipating her to be in the ICU for a little bit longer and then move to a 'standard' room.

The big events for today, so far, have been that Liz was able to move from the bed into a chair and sit up for about 30 minutes and that they removed one of the tubes from her arm.

Thank you to everyone that has been asking about how to submit donations. We will be posting information for donations to the blog tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.


  1. Hey lady... up and around all ready... chill out ... milk it.. let people take care of you. Get better soon so we can walk chambers ok.

  2. Hey Liz, sorry to hear about your ordeal.
    You will be just fine, take the care that's given and get well soon.
    Sending you (((((( hugs)))))) for a speedy
    Bob B.

  3. Hope you are feeling better by the minute/hour/day and will be walking out of there pretty soon. Meanwhile, take it easy and let them do the hard stuff while you lounge around! Sending you a big hug from frozen Amherst, Massachusetts, where we have temps in the teens and snow and ice on the ground! Mary (Cattani)

  4. Sheri (AKA The Brat)January 7, 2010 at 8:25 AM

    E Z E, glad to hear you're up already. No surprise though. That's you and you're amazing! Us northenders are thinking about you and praying for a speedy recovery. Afterall, you need to be healed up and ready for the next WWW right?

  5. Hi Liz, I just got a phone call from Donia a few minutes ago...I usually don't find out anything until I get to work on Friday! I am sending my most heartfelt wishes for your speedy recovery and hope that you don't plan any white-water rafting trips for a couple of months. Sheesh! what some people have to go through to get some time off time just ask, okay? You know we are all thinking about you and are with you every step in spirit. Veronica
