Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

After Surgery

The surgery this afternoon went well.  They were able to remove the tumor.  Samples of the tumor were taken for pathology to determine more about the type of tumor, but these results will take a week or two.

Mean while Liz is recovering well.  Please continue to send your condolences via the website or Facebook she will love to read them.  Liz is not accepting visitor at this time.  We will continue to keep you posted on her status and recovery.


  1. Hey Lizzy,

    I am so glad that you are recovering well. I'm sure you are keeping the doctors and nurses entertained with your quick whit and brilliant conversation. I love you tons kiddo and I'm sending you lots of good thoughts and possitive energy. I will be seeing you soon.

    Aunt Vanessa

  2. hi elizabeth,

    just want you to know that we are thinking of you and praying for a good and quick recovery.


    jim and claudia
