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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Staples !!! Urge ...

Well today sister , mom,and I all went to Dr. Harris office to have a follow up and to have my staples removed . Yikes ! Over the last week I have heard horror stories and ones that said they didn't feel a thing . Then add my imagination and a few fears and I was almost a nervous wreck ! PLus the night before I had a dream that I had pulled out 3 myself ! I woke in a cold sweat and had to go look in the mirror just to make sure .
So we all pile in the little exam room and the nurse comes in and looks at my train tracks and says " oh we are removing staples " and I tell her that I'm a chicken and she tries to relax me by telling me she fast and good at it . She had such an air of confidence I had to trust her . So she starts pulling them out and she was right ! She was good at it and even with my mom hanging over her shoulder with her cell phone trying to take pictures .
She was done in about a minute which I thought was super fast considering I had about 38 to 40 staples in my dome . I only had one that really hurt but that was because I had some hair under the staple .
Then Dr.Harris came in . ( side bar - So I was pretty doped up on pain killers and other stuff when I was in the hospital , plus I could not wear my glasses due to the large amounts of gauze on my head . The way I could tell everyone apart was by the way their voice sounded . ) I kinda of looked at him kinda odd and said " I didn't recognize you with out drugs ...." He gave me a smirk and said he gets that a lot .
The coolest part was when he showed me my tumor !!! I had heard what size it was and I understood how big it was , but seeing it actually in the brain and how much room it really took up . Well it was almost breath taking slight horror mixed with relief . It was also kind of a immortal moment . I mean I know I'm not but I guess I still was hanging on to a little of the thought still , not so much any more . That thing looked huge in my brain !! I could not believe it !
So we go to make it a follow up appointment and the receptionist asked if i wanted a 9am or 11:45 . I tell her the 11:45 . My then my mom asked her " When does Dr. Harris go for lunch ?" The lady says" at noon " . I look at my mom with kinda wide eyes and say " Why did you want to take him out ? " ( then sister and I snicker hehe ) The receptionist then replies " Well you know he's married . " My sister chimes in " so is she ! " . Mom chips in " almost forty years !! " We all go out the door laughing lightly at the situation . While we are waiting for the elevator sister looks at mom and asks " Do you really want to take him to lunch ?" Mom looks at sister and replies " Well I think it would be a good way to thank him for his services " I look at sister we both have the same kind of look and start laughing and both say " services ! " Mom punches us both in the arm and declares " YOU TWO I SWEAR ! "
Gotta love family outings ...


  1. Well, he was so thorough and genuine. I thought lunch would be nice... it's a tough crowd.

  2. What I got out of that was it was only a 15 minute appointment!This is good. We don't want hours, or consulting. We want slam, bam, thank you Mam. Way to go Ebeth! Little at a time...but your not off the prayer list! Love you ant pam
