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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Still tired

Well these last few mornings I have been woken up by text messages from friends coming in at 6:30 or 7 am . I have to say I love my friends but seriously 6:30 am ? I will make it a rule right now no text or phone calls before 8 am unless it is urgent or we are going somewhere and it is my wake up call . Yes that hour makes a huge difference . I love you all and I wan tto hear from you and chat but that early I am no good to anyone .

I spent the day with my parents on Sunday . Well I should say I took a nap at their house and went to dinner with them . I had met with dad at about 10 am to book the condo for the family vacation in August . Then I proceeded to go into the den sit in dads lazy boy cuddle up with hannah and take about a 3 to 4 hour nap . Mom tried to wake me up 3 or 4 times but I could barely move . Eye lids to heavy must shut . I even missed my aunt Liz and her boyfriend Colin being there . I was awake for about 10 minutes of their visit . I felt bad but there is not much I can do about that kinda stuff . My body just kinda shuts down when it gets tired . I think at this point I could be walking down the street and fall asleep .
After aunt Liz left mom , dad and I went to the casinio to eat . It was lobster night . I walked throught the line and grabbed a salad to start with and a few popcorn shrimp . I get to the table and mom has a half of a lobster a few claws from crab and some thing else . Dad i think might of had a full lobster and some fried claws . I love crab , clams . lobster , and mussles so I was happy . I went throught the line and grabbed all my goodies . I eat the few clams and mussles I grabbed they tasted pretty good . I think started on my half lobster not so good , it's not that it was the way it was made it's just the way it tastes to me . So i gave mom my lobster claw and the last of the tail . I start on the crab claws .... same out come of the lobster I gove my mom my claws . I am getting pretty hungry at this piont . I haven't really ate much and working this hard to try and eat was begining to annoy me . I go through the line again and try the turkey get a few more clams and muscles and call it good . The turkey was good but the 2nd round of shellfish not so much . =( I gave up on real food and a german chocolate cake caught my eye so I grab a slice of cake drown it under some vannilla ice cream and have my cake for dinner . Every kids dream . haha
It was nice to spend time with the parents . Dad is less stressed out now that tax season is over and mom is well mom she's working on like 20 things at once and finishing some of them up . Way to go mom !!!

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