Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Monday, April 5, 2010

Formula for Life?

Formula for living life to the fullest.
Laughter, humor, good friends, life worth living... God bless Elizabeth... and all of you who pray for her, and who care... Friends, Family, Fun.

F times 3 makes for a good recovery... hum, I may have a formula. f x 3 = +Rq

We all want answers, like working a math problem. But life doesn't lend itself to quick or repeatable answers. We are not numbers, but so totally independent that it is hard at times when faced with extremes in opinions, speech and habits to think of all of us as the same species. One person can complain about something someone else compliments. One of us can think that it is time for politics to change while another thinks it is just starting to make sense. We are short, tall, thick, thin, dark, light, smart and not-so-smart, yet we all must face the next day and what it brings without knowing any answers.

Do you remember 7th grade geometry? Postulates and theorems? You remember, proving problems using quotes like: "the shortest distance between two points is a straight line" or " A circle can be drawn with a center and any radius." etc. Well, I think a formula for a happy life can be as different as the people but some factors will enter into almost all and they are: humor/fun, friends and family (family doesn't have to be "blood relatives") And I think Elizabeth has solved many problems with her three F's. And YOU are part of the solution to this problem Life has given us. We are grateful to so many wonderful friends and family members. Several friends have purposed a garage sale to benefit Elizabeth... read further to see how to help and participate.


My P.E.O. chapter is planning to give Elizabeth a May1 Garage Sale! If you have items that you'd like to donate, please put them aside to take to St. Andrews Episcopal Church on S.12th/Jackson on April 29 between noon and 5 pm. They may take things on Friday, too while they are pricing. The sale will be 9 - 3 on Saturday, May 1st. Please spread the word about attending or donating. It meets all three of the F's... ! Let's solve another math problem: bills and expenses of living.

Posted by Kathryn Cecelia "KaCe", Elizabeth's Mom

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