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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Better yet

I was thinking that by this point in my break from treatment I would be feeling better than I am . I was looking forward to having more energy and the stomach pains to stop . I guess I need to look at the bright side of all this is I think I have finally caught up on my sleep from my early 20's , now I just got to work on my late 20's .

I had the pleasure of going out to Laurel's new office early this week and having lunch with her and Sergio . It was kinda a slow day for her so we ordered in and instead of having 45 min for lunch I was there for almost 2hours . I had fun catching up with them and seeing the new digs .

I have been taking care of Karyn's cat Rainie for the last few days . I enjoy taking care of her she naps as much as I do . Last night she was feisty . She woke me up 3 or 4 times . I could hear her running laps in the living room then she would bolt into the bedroom and jump on the bed and head butt me , then stare me down till I pet her . While I petted her she kneaded my boob . I was to tired to stop her . She woke me for the last time at 6:30 am . She ran and jumped on my stomach headbutted me then pawed my face when I went to pet her she jumped off of me ran into the other room , then came barreling back in and repeated what she did . I figured man she must be hungry . So I get out of bed to feed her , her food bowl was almost full . I thought thats weird she's acting like she does when she wantd to be fed . As I walk into the living room I step on her greeen monster . ( The green monster is a kat nip toy that has a opening in it so you stuff the toy with kat nip ) As I look around I see the insides of the toy on the carpet . I pick up the toy and look inside she ate the equivalet of a 20 sack . No wonder she was all cracked out .

1 comment:

  1. How is it going to look if when the nurse comes home Rainie is staring at the wall and slobbering? You will have to get some kind of part time work to keep up the katnip pipeline. Maybe you can pass off some Oregano as katnip and wean her off. I did hear of a kat rehab in CA, if worse comes to worse.
