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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Doing stuff !!

Let's see here .... Well on Monday after we were done at SCCA we headed to some restaurant to meet up with some friends to see Alice in Wonderland . Jessica and I were sitting in the car while sis tried to figure out the pay station . he he he . We had fun looking at her from the comfort of the dry warm car . Watching her trying to figure out the weird pay station that takes coins and cards but not bills . ha ha ha . It was a lil amusing . It was nice to see Jessica I haven't had the chance to see her in a while and it was fun catching up . Alice in Wonderland was awsome !!! I loved it ! Go see it if you get the chance !
After treatment on Tuesday I went out to lunch with Jen and her lil guy . We went to the Westend it was pretty good . I love her son he is just so sweet and a character in a half ! We sat around giggled and had ourselfs a nice afternoon . After lunch we went to Target . Ha ha ha Jen found this plastic microphone that made your voice sound like it was in a tunnel and J-bug sat there and tried making noise in it the whole time we were in the store . He is so going to be a American Idol . So cute ! Well after all that excitement Jen dropped me off at home and I layed down on the couch for a quick moment and woke up 3 hours later . I guess I was tired .... Sleep is good though helps me heal and keeps what lil energy I do have .
Woke up at like 5:30 on Wednesday I guess I slept to much the day before . Called Erin to see if she wanted to go grab a cup of coffee . She and I went and hung out for about an hour or so talking catching up and stuff . She is such a go getter . She is almost done with her EMT class . she has been working very hard for the last while to get this goal accomplished . It is cool to watch someone follow their dream .
Kat came to get me at 10:30 to go to treatment . Afterewards her and I went to Ross to try and find a few dresses . Kat found a cute green one with a few circles in the design . I found a knock out one ! It is going to be awesome ! Plus it was only 20 bucks ! Love it ! Kat said we would have good shopping Karma since we found princesses parking I thought she was kiding nope ! Yippy ! Then after Ross we went to the mall and at Fuego I found some bracellettes and a pair of earings for 10 bucks ! So I would say it was a good day of shopping . KAt dropped me off and I took a little nap this time made sure so that way I could get back on my sleeping pattern .
Today I will just relax . Maybe get a pedi with sis . Do some chores . Sleep . Read . Live the dream ...

1 comment:

  1. Liz,
    We check often to see your progress, you do such a good job writing what you feel. We are thinking of you and your family often, take care and it'll soon be all behind you. Your attitude and patience is to be greatly admired by all. Thank you for sharing your progress.
    Raye and Rich
