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Monday, April 12, 2010

Shopping with Jen

Woke up yesterday all kinds of bright and early . Went to the store grabbed a cup of joe and went in the search of the perfect banana and orange . ( Weird quirk about me I love oranges hate orange juice ) After a small safari hunt at the Met , I found good fruit . I had a good giggle watching these two little korean kids run around the produce area . The mom asked the girl to grab some apples she grabbed two from the bottom and the whole thing came down ! The poor girl squated down with her arms over her head and sreamed ah oh ! Her mom smiled and went over to her daughter and they looked at the ground picked up 2 more apples put in a bag and the mom told her daughter it's ok messes happen you just have to clean them up . So the little girl went and grabbed one of the kids grocery carts and filled it up ! I laughed so hard . The produce guys were trying to tell her they would clean it up but she would not stop till that lil cart was full . I thought it was great . It was nice to see a parent not get mad at a kid for makig a big mess and to also teach them a leason at the same time .

I got home and looked at the Sunday paper to see where all the Estate and garage sales were . Jen arrives on time with coffee in hand . We jump in the car and start our tour of tacoma . We found all kinds of hidden treasures . At one sale I found something I really haven't seen since middle school , fimo jewlery !!! I was in shock to see it I thought someone was giving up their late eighties early ninties collection . Nope the lady told us she had just finished some of the peices . I winced but then imagined all these old ladys rolling around in their lil rascals sportin vuleer 2 peice suits with fimo jewlery sets and all made sense .
We then made our way to a sale that claimed to have a huge unicorn collection . I have to admit I was excited to see what it would look like . Lamely according to the lady in the house that the big day of the sale was the day before . When we got there it was dollies , chrismas garland spikes , and a chair for a dollar . So sad .
With a slight disappointment we motor on . We head to the deep south mall area . After some directionaly challanged moments ( my liz liz was broken ) we were headed in the right direction . We found a sale that Jen thought had " Hugs " . It was a tiney sale but there was some ineresting stuff and people . While we were looking around they had the radio on and a commercial for getting std testing came on that said 1 out of 6 people have a std . The girl who was puttinng on the sale looked around and said ok who is raise your hand . One of us has one and it's not me . I thought it was funny but then my sense of humor is kinda twisted . Jen and I looked at each other and giggled .
We jump back in the car and head down Alaska . I tell Jen that Mings new house is on this road . Well we both have to pee so we scope out Mings house to see if she is there but sadley she is not . So we creep around her house peeking our head into all her window . I was kinda hopeing that she was home and had parked in the garage so we could scare her . Jen and I talked about going back to a few of the other sales we had been to , to pick up some of the "free"stuff so we could leave it in Mings yard . Like a ugly scarcrow made by the fimo lady and a few pot and pans that looked like they were in Nevada when they tested the bombs .
After all that snooping we built up some hunger . Being by the mall and considering that we had to pee we went to Costco . HAve you been in their bathrooms lately ? They have Dyson hand driers ! They look kinda weird but work great .
I treat Jen to a Sunday savy lunch of a all beef frank and a 20 oz ( refillable ) soda . I know I am such the sugar momma ! As we sat squished around people we don't know Jen spots her mom . Her mom has 2 cute little kids with her . We say Hi to mom and finish our dogs .
After some talking we choose to hit one or two more sales up . Sadley none prove to be great . Jen starts to drive and we end up on 19th . As we are driving this little Asian lady is having a sale so we stop . Most of it is old vases and jewlery boxs . The weird part was nothing had a price tag . I picked up a plate to see if it was on the back and the lady yells " Fifty cents !" Jen picks up a vase she yells " four dollars !" We finish looking around and yet again find nothing .
I had so much fun looking at other peoples stuff . I also found new places in Tacoma I have never been . That said I also found places that I will never go again , and a few that I will . I love Tacoma and all it's grit . It truelly is a special place .

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