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Saturday, April 10, 2010

it's so nice !!

Yesterday I woke up sooo early !!! I couldn't figure out why I had woken up , then I heard it . My cell phone . I forgot to turn it off . Urggg !!!! So I shrug it off and decide to get dress and embrace the day . I went and met a few friends for some coffee and we sat around and chatted for a bit . When I left I could almost feel my insides gittering from to much coffee .

I got home and in my coffee induced stage got bundled up and went for a walk . It lasted about 2 blocks . It was so windy and cold ! I had to retreat back to the house . It is stuff like that , that kills me . I sometimes just start to feel normal but then mother nature reminds me that I don't produce as much heat as I use to . I hate it . I love to walk and it annoy's me that I can't really do it . I hope this weather becomes better soon .

I worked on a project for a friend for a bit and Karyn'scat Rainie helped out the whole time ! Her way of helping is laying on the part I want to work on . Then when I ask the cat to move she gives me a look like why ? I can do this side you do the other . I finally gave up and joined the cat in pretend working . When I went to sleep that night Karyns cat slept with me the whole time . She must of thought I needed some extre attention . I was surprised when I woke up in the morning to find her stil laying there on the bed next to me . She opened her eyes looked at me then head butted me . She then proceeded to purr and kneed at me till I got out of bed and fed her . She is such a character .

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