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Friday, April 9, 2010

A bit of a break

Well so far my little break from treatment has been ok . I was thinking that as soon as treatment stopped all the side effects of the treatment would go to . It's my inner blond thinking . I should of known better . It didn't go away on the weekend so why would it go away in 3 days . Right ? I have wishful thinking ...
These last few days I have been just as tired as always . I have not done much , yet I try and get out of the house at least once a day . Fresh air is good for the soul . Helps clean out the bad air . Clear the head in away . Even though it was windy yesterday it was nice it sit in the sun for awhile . I am looking forward to spring and summer . The one big thing I did do was I went to the Rainiers season opening game with Ming and Erin . We had a good time . I only made it to the top of the 7th inning then became to cold to deal . Even with Ming and Erin on either side of me to block the wind and snuggle next to it just wasn't enough . I am lucky to have such understanding friends because they did not mind leaving . When I got home I ran a mini bath to defrost my toes . My toes are the real reason for leaving . They became little ice cubes in my shoes . I even had my liner sox and wool sox on ! I tried to dress right . I think I might wait a few more weeks before I go to another night game . I really like going to the Rainier games . For the price of a Marnier ticket I can take 2 friends , park , get a dog , and a drink . Plus games are always better when you go with good people .

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