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Monday, April 5, 2010

Friday April 3rd

Friday was a quite day in most ways . I went to radiation and had my blood drawn . I wasn't feeling so hot afterward so I had sister drop me off at home . It is weird how even if I take my naps and do what I need to how I can feel tired or is it drained ? . I took about an hour nap and woke up feeling like I still needed another hour ..... it turned into two ..... Did I mention I was tired ? I slipped out of my treatment coma and decided to escape my reality by reading . I found the book that I started when I was over at sisters " Breakfast with Buddah " I read about 4 chapters then realized that maybe the reason I was so tired is because all I ate that day was a banana . Duh ! So as I was making myself a feast of the gods a.k.a. peanut butter and jelly sammy =) My neighbors daughter was home for the weekend .( I live in the upstairs of a duplex .) She and her little friend went rippen through that house like two taz's on a sugar high . I could tell at any moment where they were by the noise and the sound of spirited feet running all through the house . I smiled and had a bunch of memories of slumber parties when I was a kid . My friend Ann had a few of us over one night and we tried to see who could get the furthest on Super Mario Bros . We had a 12 pack of Coke and all of us were so wired that we would die so would could run to the bathroom every 5 min . Up and down the stairs we would go to um go and since we were all hopped up on suger it wasn't the quite run to was the heels of your feet thunder run . Good times good times . Any ways .....
I woke up with a little bit more energy than before . Mom picked me up midafternoon ( yes it is only about 3 and I have taken 3 naps ) and took me to the grocery store . Procter Safeway has been undergoing contruction and now every thing is in a new place . It is like a scavenger hunt trying to find stuff . Normally I like it I find it sorta fun . Mom and I both grabbed our own carts and headed in thr directions of where we thought the stuff we needed would be . I was doing well I was about half way through my list ( 15 min into the trip ) . Then it happened . The cramping and gut wrenching twisting that sometimes happens from the Chemo and Radiation . I have to say that I had not experianced the pains this bad before . I was about to abanden my cart and try and find mom to get me home . I stood in the aisel half sweating from the pain and partly to try and not puke from it . Then it accured to me , by the time I find mom and tell her and get her out of the store I could be done shopping . So I continued on shopping . The sickness passes after about another 15 min . As I stoll up and down the isle I see mom talking to one of the stock boys and wonder what she is tyring to get stocked just for her . Nope ends up she was looking for vinager . The stock boy and her are both thinking it should be in the isle they are looking in . I tell her to try the salad dressing isle . Now I don't have much room to talk here . I walked around the store maybe twice trying to find the condoment isle . Every time I went by it I was looking at something else or looked at the other side of the isle . I was not on my game . Mom and I finally cash out . I have her drop me off at home and I proceed to put the stuff away then take yup you guess it another nap ( up to four now ) . I woke up at about 5ish and made myself some dinner and watched a movie . Afetr the movie I started to watch a t.v. show , I never finished because I fell asleep on the couch ...... I woke up and draged myself in to my bed at about 12:30 . Then I didn't wake up till 8 am .
Now this day is a classic reason why my mom won't race my dad and I to see who can fall asleep the fastest . She thinks of hom and I as the dolls that have eyes that close as soon as their heads start to tilt back . She says it just isn't a level playing feild anymore , our abilty to sleep any where at any time puts him and I in a league that her and Karyn just on a normal daily basis can't compete with .

1 comment:

  1. Your mother has always been like that, for the longest time she could not sleep if there was ANY light in the room. At the time I was scared of the dark, and we shared a room. I cried a lot! I can sleep anywhere...buses, boats, trains, planes, cars,waiting rooms!haha you know that!
    You will not realize how drained you are until you are through this and start to get well. Hang in there and sleep. It's the best thing you can do for yourself. I am thinking of you, here is a big hug in my mind! love you bunches ant pam
