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Thursday, May 27, 2010

moving week !!

Well I will be moving in with sister this weekend . She keeps coming over to my house and telling me I don't have that much stuff to do . My mom comes over and tells me I have done next to nothing . I lean more tward mom's thought on the matter . If I was left to myself to pack and clean I would of started 2 months a go . I will pack a box or two then have to take a nap or at least a 0 to 15 min break . Yet , I will say I thought I had done alot of work already . I guess I hide my stuff well , because when it comes out of hiding I have a ton of crap !! I think half the stuff I am moving is stuff I am going to put in mine and sisters garage sale . I mean granted I am a girl there for I have slight shoe fetish but I never realized they would breed under my bed . My Pumas mated with my Poneys now I have Kangaroos . It crazy !!! The worst part is I look at each shoe like it's Salomons child . Give it away would be the right thing but I love the shoe !!! urg ! Why do they make them so darn cute !!! Maybe I will have a walk-a-thon where instead of donations you wear all the pairs of shoes you are going to donate and you do a lap around the feild with all of them tied to you like the back of a " just married " car . Then there could be sprint races in high heels . A slipper suffle for the old folks and mabye a baby bootie bounce off where the babies just bounce in their bouncy chairs . There could be something for everyone . * shivered * ( I just realized how dorky I am =) )

Well any ways so I am moving and for the 1st time ever I decieded to get a truck . I know , I know , I could fit all my stuff in like 9 cars , plus a few random trips . i am over trying to do that . it takes way more time and no matter how good it sounds in your head , it's really not the best idea . I was just cheap or was it that I opted to buy a keg of beer instead in the past to quench everyones thirst who helped me move ? I have actually less stuff now then I did 2 years ago though . I keep purging , all this "stuff " I don't even know why I hold on to some of it . A lot of it is just relentless baggage that I carry from place to place , yet I have no idea why . So as I try to answer that big questions with certian items my pile of " stuff " becomes less and I can feel the freedome of being set free from it . Seriously try it . I started maybe 6 months ago . I turned all my hangers backwards any thing that wasn't turned around I took a hard look at , tried it on , and if I still liked it kept it if not donated . I donated 9 , 10gal bags of clothes to goodwill . I didn't even have the urge to replace the all . Weird miracle ( or it could be the power of the tumor )

If it wasn't for mom yesterday sitting very nicley waiting for me to come out of my chemo fog to tell her how and where I needed help . I know I needed help but I want to know what box stuff goes in so I can find it I like Christmas just fine but not on moving day . So mom 1st was my " bag boy " she baged my panrty for me as I made areas in the front garage sale , storge , and moves . we finished about the same time and I told her I needed a break she agreed . I made some mac n cheese with broccoli in it for her and I , sister stopped by with newspaper and joined in on the meal . After eating we went on a family trip to Home Depot to get rubber storage containers . hehehe I never knew something like that would be such an experiance . I mean full on animated conversations over which one is better and prices and even color . I loved it =) . Hehe . Back at home mom stayed and helped me pack almost the whole kitchen . She is such a trooped ! I still have my room and the bathroom to do but everythings seems to be more do-able now . Love da momma !

Oh and the tomato , pepper and yellow squash starts are looking good !! I am excited for home grow veggies ! My favorite !

1 comment:

  1. If you could just pass that freedom of crap feeling to your Mother it would really be a red letter day. I know these things because I to belong to the hoard hound society. My friend came over and purged my spices. When ever any of my friends moved they would give me their spices from the back of the cupboard. I had some from the late 60's and early 70's. Now I have just a handful. They are too expensive to replace by the cart full. But now they are all fresh and it must make my dishes better, you can actually taste them. You do feel free when you donate. Keep up the good work Ebeth. Love you more! ant pam
