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Friday, May 7, 2010

Ruff week

Chemo started last week and I can say that it is slowly kicking my butt . I went today with mom and I was surprised at how fast and smooth it all went . I think it was the fastest I have been in and out of SCCA . i was suppose to get a hearing test but they want my ear canal to not be inflamed when I go . It's inflamed from when I had radiation . We all thought it would have gone away by now but sadly I am partialy def now in my right ear till the swelling goes down . It's a strange feeling to have bad hearing .
On our way up to SCCA we stopped in to Starbucks for a quick snack an so I could have a coffee . As I was looking at he breakfast sandwichs I hear " Liz ? Liz Whitacre ? " I turn around and it was Gloria Binkly !!! I haven't seen her in about 2 years ! My emotions are all crazy , I was so excited to see her I almost cried . I am turning into a emtional basketcase . I was so amazed to see her . It is so funny how a small 5 minute break from what " is " going on can change how you feel for a good chunk of the day .

1 comment:

  1. I bet between you and your Mother that you are a pair to draw to...reminds me of the joke with 2 hard of hearing people, one sez "particular nasty weather" the other one thought they said "tickle your ass with a feather" Just hang in there and know when the swelling goes down you will be Aokay. Now your Mother is another story, can you say Hearing Aid? Hugs and love to you both. ant pam
