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Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Well this week has proven that chemo is slowly taking over my body . It is a weird feeling . It's odd I feel like I am getting old in fast / slow motion . I have no idea how to explain this to someone who isn't sick like me . It's a crappy feeling not being able to do what you know you should be able to do . I know I can walk over 2 miles and be fine , no , no I can't right now when I have tried I end up taking a 3 hour nap . I have to split my chores up in to chunks . I will read a chapter then wash a few dishes , read a chapter then sweep the floor , ect . So needless to say I can't wait to be done . I know it takes time I know I need all the naps I know that treatment is grueling but I just wish that it didn't take so long .

ON the other foot .... I get to go down to Embellish next week . Trish the great is going to give me a head scrub . Man I never knew how awesome showers and head messages were until I became bald . I use to be really good about taking 5 min showers now they are like 10 min . I just love the way they feel . I encourage anyone who needs a hair cut , color , perm , or just wants to try a new do to give Embellish Salon a try .


  1. You make me smile Elizabeth. What a unique and strong person you are! This whole ordeal will make you stronger yet. I wonder sometimes why this tumor visited you, as strong as you are...Maybe it's to give you a giant step ahead in life. You never know. I do know that you are loved, and love back. Hugs from my mind. love ant pam

  2. I think a new style is in order. So I am planning a visit. Perhaps I can give you ride. I don't have an appointment yet, but can get one to compliment your time frame.


  3. Liz...I'm so envious of your strong will, happy demeanor, and carefree attitude. I LOVE it! You definitely are a role model - I hope you realize that, girl!! I'm completely impressed how you are steam-rolling this time in your life. Get it girl!! Everyone should take a lesson in perseverance from you.

