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Monday, June 7, 2010

Beginning of the 2nd set of Chemo: 3rd treatment

Today I took Elizabeth to have her hearing tested. Because her protocol uses platinum Dr. Chamberlain wanted to get a base-line hearing test. The use of this element can cause hearing loss and they want to monitor it closely. So the results were... very good hearing.

After the test we had agreed to stop at the Burger Barn on Custar Rd in Lakewood. I was very hungry, having only gotten up just before I picked up Elizabeth... she wanted to take the food back home to eat... but I whined and we had a picnic at the drive in. We raised our burgers as a toast to "Grambo", my mom's nickname. It was one of the places she liked to take the kids when they were small for burgers. I love those tie-ins. Being a military family we traveled hither and yon and didn't have "history" with places. We had traditions, but not a memory of places. So it was fun for me to recognize this as a remembrance of my mom.

We talked about Elizabeth's new move in with Karyn and how she enjoys planning dinner for them. She was doing meatloaf and was inspired by the thoughts of meatloaf sandwiches later. I must admit that hearing her describe how she was going to make it made me think it was sounding like a very yummy idea.

But I came home and worked a bit on my deck, placing two tall posts where shorter ones had been and making ready to do the railings. I have a lot to get done and this week promises to have good weather to do it in.

Friday I will take Elizabeth to Seattle for her last in this series of chemo. It will be a long one— lasting up to 8 hours. There is a lot to it. She has already alerted her aunt, Vanessa, to come visit and watch a movie. Her aunt is a cancer survivor and has had liver replacement (due to HepC). She is doing interferon to help rid her of the dreaded disease; and it seems to be working! So that is encouraging. Friday will be a lot of talking and then a lot of sleeping. Everyone seems to nap in this family. I need one. I've been have insomnia issues lately and do not get to sleep until 4 and 5 AM. This isn't healthy for me. I was reading that it can actually cause diabetes if you mess with your inner clock. So I'm going to give that much more attention.

Elizabeth is doing well, she isn't too hungry as she feel poorly if she eats too much and many foods have odd flavors. She is happy with the whole second floor at Karyn's and even put up a mail box for herself at 3615 1/2! Gotta love it. Oh, the address is 3615 1/2 South 9th, 98405... if you want her new address and don't already know it. Her phone is the same.

Thank you for your interest in her well being. It makes me feel very good to know so many are praying for her and wishing her well. She is a wonderful daughter and we wish she didn't have this challenge, but since she does she is facing it with grace and humor. Take care of yourselves.

Elizabeth's Mom, Kathryn


  1. Mom you are so close it's 2nd round 1st treatment of three . The burger place was Best Burger . The burger was good too . I should of had the single I would of been able to finish it . They had decent onion rings also . That was a nice afternoon the meatloaf didn't turnout the way I wanted it to but it made good sammies and tasted alright just not the best one I have ever made .

  2. There were no complaints from me regarding the meatloaf - I even went back for seconds and took some to work the next day. Yummy!!
