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Thursday, June 10, 2010

1st day of 2nd round

Well tomorrow I will begin my 2nd round of chemo ! Woooohooo ! Mom has the pleasure of taking me . We will leave Tacoma at 8ish am and be up there till about 5 or 6 . I hopefully will be feeling well enough after all the drugs to make it to the lighting of the luminaries at Relay for Life . It's one of my favorites . I like Relay because it just isn't for one type of cancer . It is a cause for all cancer . I have brain cancer . I look up stuff to educate my self and it seems that when ever I do I run into a boob . Everything thing tends to pretain to breast cancer . I am not saying that boobs aren't a good cause and I am not bitter because I think mine are small , I just find it annoying .

Enough of that ! I am getting to far into my own head ! Haha . Living with Sister is interesting . I am making my own little space but I think it will take me awhile to have it feel like home . When I tell people where I am I still say Sister's house . Not my new place . I think it will come . I was driving with mom the other day and I said mine and sister's place and mom looked at me and said that it sounded forced . I am adjusting . Sister is doing a great job of trying to adjust also . I tend to make her cat take more naps than she normally does so Raini has been on a few midnight rampages at Karyn's expense . While I sleep nice an sound up stairs with the door close .

It is June and the weather is that of may or april . I have to admit I love it when it rains super hard and the sound it makes on the roof . I also enjoy I good thunder storm . I see the dark clouds roll in and I get some what excited . I know I will sleep well as soon as it starts to rain . I have tried the tapes of rain and other nature sounds but they don't work they sound well recorded . I planted a bunch of flowers last week when it was nice an now I wonder if I planted them too soon . I hope that they grow and bloom . I am trying plants I have never had before this year . I have artichoke , sweet peas , yellow squash , and some wild flower mix that helps the bee population . I am so courious to know if the bee one works . That and I hear if you dont prune the artichokes to eat that they bloom into an amazing looking flower . The hard part is going to be not wanting to eat them .... I might just have to only let 1 bloom ....

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