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Saturday, March 27, 2010


My head has been a lil bit in the fog these last couple of days . I am just now starting to feel better from this last weekend . I sooo learned my lesson ! On Monday when sis and I went up to SCCA we all looked over my blood work . My whit e blood cells are starting to go down now . THey told me I am not in bubble mode yet but I should shop either early in the day or later to aviod lots of people . If I go out to eat I have lunch at about 130 or 2 dinner about 4 0r 5 . Then there is always the option of take away .
The other rules are some of the older ones put back into play . I have to carry hand sanitizer with me and I need to make sure that who ever is with me use's it . ( I have become kinda a hand washing Hitler ) I have started to notice a lot more how gross certian things are . I think this experiance might turn me slightly O.C.D. .
I am looking forward to Easter next week . I think it is mostly because I like to bake and create . This year sis and I are going to make the cake shaped in a easter egg . I found a recipe for a lemon cake . I think I might use lemon curd and rasberry jelly as the filling ( yummers ) . Kayrn is good at making interesting cakes . She like a cake archetect . She can build any kinda cake ! She should get a job at charm city cakes with Duff !
Dad drove me to treatment twice this week . We do pretty well as a team . We both get tired easier than most , we eat smaller portions so we share meals which mean half the cost , and we are both pretty flexible ( on most things we still have our stuberness ) . Dad I and drove through the honking tunnel and the 5 mile drive . Dad was super wild life tour guide ! He pointed out deer , reindeer ( sure they were in the zoo but they were still on the road side ) racoons and a few other tresures . It was a lot of fun .
Sis and I met some of my friends for a late lunch on Friday . Jesse was in town from Cali , Pat an Kelly were in from Portland , Annie and her lil man , Lenny and Jessica and their lil red head guy . We went to the Antique Sandwich Co. I hadn't been there in years . I forgot how good their sammys were ! I also forgot how huge the sammys were ! I made sis eat half but I think I could of just had one fourth of the sammy and been full . It was great to see all of them . As a group they are some of the happiest people I know . I love that I would consider most the people I know as happy . Not just happy but have positive out looks on life .
This weekend I plan on keeping the low profile thing going . I am starting to feel good and I want to keep that feeling . I know what I have to do to do it . I might have to hit up a yard sale or two though .... I am addicted . Plus you would be amazed what 5 bucks can get you the last day of a sale ! I think I like the hunt ....

1 comment:

  1. There is also the option of fixin' something at home. I found going to the grocery store at around 6am there is hardly anyone there...haha I can see you there now..NOT!
    Be sure to take a pic of your egg cake. Dye some coconut green and put around the bottom like grass¡
    I am glad you are doing okay. Keep sending and receiving those good vibes! Im sending you a long distance hug! They are the best right now, no germs :)
    love to you and the Nurse. ant pam
