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Thursday, September 9, 2010

and the beat goes on

Well I wasn't able to be treated this last Friday due to my low blood counts . My white cells were at 3.71 and they have to be above 10 to get treated . My Doc didn't want me to have another blood transfusion yet so we are giving it a week or two to see if the cells get better . Fingers crossed .

I also Had a CT scan . THey did a non contrast scan and one with . My brain is looking good ! It is weird almost awkward looking inside yourself that way . The area where the tumor was has filled with cf fluid and looks like I know have a black hole ! The good thing is is that there was no whitish / grayish out line where the tumor was nor any thing new . Yippy !!

My few weeks off this last time one of them I spent with the family down at SunRiver . It was nice . I was glad family friend / sudo sister Emily came with us . It gave sister some one to do all high energy type things with . Plus she picks on my dad ! haha he needs and deserves it ! It builds his character .... like he needs more .... I was able to walk around with my mom and not feel frustrated ( she walks slower than I do ) I feel bad but my natural gait is about twice as fast as hers . So when I was healthy it feels awkward to slow your walk and keep it slow . On the same page it feels weird not to be able to walk 4 miles in an hour . So when walking with certian friends I feel like the kid who almost has to runn to keep up - I should just get a wheel chair and my fast friends can push me around =) . I can take off my scarrf and feel the wind in my face as my " patchy hair growth " blows in the breeze . haha .

1 comment:

  1. Hey Liz,
    My wonderful friend Carrie said that she met you. She said you are Karen and hilarious and that you have a great attitude. Anyway, Carrie is a wonderful person and pretty darn intellegent too. Take care and my thoughts are with you,
    Barbie Pritchard Hulbert
