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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Blood transfusion

Well today I sit in T.G. on the 4th floor getting a blood transfusion . I find it weird and kinda gross . I think of blood as a personal thing . I mean it runs through my veins my heart it helps power my thoughts , when mad it boils , when scorned by someone it turns cold , when in love it tingles the rest of the senses making knees go weak . I know it sounds dumb that out of all the stuff I have had to have done to me in the last 8 months that this one is the one that bothers me the most . The nurses have done a good job making me feel better about the whole deal . Even though I still have my reserves about the whole thing .

I understand the expression blue blood better now also . The blood I was given today looked almost purple-ish . The lady next to me had a blueish tint to it . I asked her what her blood type was ( I can't remember now ) but it was different then mine . So I am curious if different blood types have different hues to them .... the mind reels ....

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