Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wow almost a month .... sorry

I haven't been a very good blogger lately sorry . I would think about it but then when I would start I would just feel drained or writters block . It sometimes is a challenge for me to do stuff . hnkcvx ( that was Raini saying " Meow " to you all .)

I made through this last round of treatment feeling a bit more drained than normal . After a few days of only sleeping I started to feel better . I even felt good enough to attend the 6th art walk . It was a nice day and I went with people that were willing to go at my pace . It can be a hard thing to do for some . On the ave I was excited to see people I normally don't get to see .

This last weekend I went with 22 other fabulous ladies to Moclips and rented a beach house had a bon fire , made smores , went to the casino , watched sis and lolo on the go-carts , went to the grocery store ( bawhahaha way better than walmart watching it was like condensed walmart you will have to see for yourself ) got my but kicked alll weekend in spite and malice , and a lil in cribbage . The other girls ran around did their hair ( tear ) , Donna gave a make-up class and sold some Mary Kay . The food was awesome ! Had some monkey bread for the 1st time it was good !!! In my opinion the only thing it needed was peacans then I might of stole the pan and locked my self in the bedroom till it was all gone !
Had great conversations met one of the funniest girls I think I have met in years SQUIRREL !!!! Bonded with some charished friends and made some new great memories ! Got to know a few of the other ladies better and even had a chance to make a new friend or two .

While all of that was a blast ! I have spent the last few days recoping . I would say in the activity department I didn't do much but in the socializing aspect of things I did a ton ! I never realized how draining it was for me . I felt kinda bad we were all standing arouind talking about the weekend and all the sudden my inner " turkey is done button " poped out and I looked at the girls and said it's time ! I kinda felt like a 5 year old .

I have my long treatment this friday and I am going up to Seattle with mom . She plans on doing something to computer while I get treatment . We shall see how it goes .

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